Testosterone Suspension Dosage
Testosterone Suspension is not the most popular variant of testosterone, but it has gained some favor among athletes and bodybuilders who enjoy using testosterone.
Testosterone Suspension is actually the least popular of the four most popular testosterones (testosterone enanthate, testosterone cypionate, testosterone propionate, and testosterone suspension).
Testosterone Suspension is a favorite among many people because it has a much higher potency and faster action than all other forms of testosterone.
Initially, administering testosterone suspension in medical institutions was cumbersome, as testosterone suspension injections are known to be very painful and irritating to the injection site, and the need for very frequent injections was not very convenient for most patients.
The use of testosterone suspension for physique and athletic performance enhancement purposes tends to be more cumbersome for most users, as it requires more frequent injections of a given testosterone suspension dose to maintain stable and sustained optimal plasma levels.
Because testosterone suspensions have a very short half-life and must be injected more than once a day (ideally several times daily), many people stop using them.
This is why many anabolic steroid users, especially beginners, will opt for the longer ester variants of testosterone (such as enanthate and cypionate), which have a much longer half-life and require much less frequent administration.
The advantage of testosterone suspensions is that they become active in the body almost immediately after administration and rise quickly to optimal peak plasma concentrations.
As mentioned earlier in the introduction, it is important for all readers to understand that a given dose of testosterone suspension contains much more pure and active testosterone per mg of injection than other forms of testosterone.
Therefore, the testosterone suspension dosage required to elicit positive effects on athletic performance and physique enhancement is not necessarily as high as other testosterone preparations.
For comparison's sake, here's a list of the approximate amounts of pure testosterone contained in four of the most popular testosterone preparations
Testosterone Suspension (unesterified testosterone) = 100 mg testosterone
100 mg of testosterone propionate = 80 mg of testosterone
100mg Testosterone Enanthate = 70mg Testosterone
100mg Testosterone Cypionate = 69mg Testosterone
Medical Testosterone Suspension Dosage
The dosage of medical testosterone suspension used clinically and medically to treat hypogonadism (lack of androgen production) is 25 mg administered two to three times per week.
Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Testosterone Suspension Dosages
In most cases, due to the uncomfortable and inconvenient nature of testosterone suspension, this preparation is widely considered to be an advanced level anabolic steroid.
Most users of testosterone suspension are advanced level athletes or bodybuilders who have already used other compounds for many years.
For the most part, testosterone suspension tends to intimidate many novice (and even intermediate) anabolic steroid users because it is inconvenient to inject and requires frequent administration.
Generally speaking, if you have tried short term anabolic steroid use, such as testosterone propionate or trenbolone acetate, and have experienced more frequent injections, you are probably ready to enter the world of testosterone suspension, which requires more frequent administration.
For beginner anabolic steroid users, a testosterone suspension dosage of 100 mg every other day is the required dose to improve athletic performance and physique (it is highly recommended to inject at least once daily to maintain stable plasma levels).
Ideally, intermediate testosterone suspension doses typically range from 50 to 100 mg per day.
An example of an advanced testosterone suspension dosage is a high dose in the range of 100 to 200 mg per day.
These high doses, when administered frequently on a daily basis (or multiple times per day), can lead to very rapid strength and muscle mass gains in a short period of time.
Testosterone Suspension Dosage for Women
Testosterone suspension is rarely recommended for women and is very rarely used in women in medical practice.
When it is administered medically to women, it is almost exclusively (and very rarely) used to treat female breast cancer, and furthermore, it is utilized as a treatment of last resort.
For this purpose, the dose of testosterone suspension can range from 50 to 100 mg, administered two to three times per week.
Testosterone suspension is not recommended for women for performance and physique enhancement purposes, as the risk of masculinizing symptoms is too high due to its very strong androgenic properties and very fast onset of action.
테스토스테론 현탁액의 올바른 투여 및 복용 시기
테스토스테론 현탁액은 테스토스테론 자체가 물에 현탁된 미결정 형태로 함유되어 있는 수성 형태의 테스토스테론입니다.
주사하기 전에 바이알을 세게 흔들어 호르몬을 적절하고 균일하게 분산시킨 후 주사를 위해 빼내야 합니다.
테스토스테론 서스펜션은 반감기가 매우 짧기 때문에(~24시간) 매일 주사하는 것이 가장 이상적입니다.
많은 운동선수와 보디빌더는 훨씬 더 안정적이고 지속적인 최적의 혈장 농도를 달성하기 위해 테스토스테론 현탁액을 하루에 여러 번 주사하기도 합니다.
테스토스테론 현탁액은 물에 고체 미세 결정 현탁액이라는 제제의 특성상 국소 자극, 통증, 부기 및 발적을 자주 유발하는 매우 고통스러운 주사로 알려져 있습니다.
현탁액 주사를 위해 필요한 바늘은 유성 화합물보다 훨씬 큰 게이지로, 22 또는 23 게이지보다 작지 않은 경우가 많습니다.
일부 동물용 테스토스테론 현탁액 제품에는 더 큰 결정체가 물에 부유되어 있으며, 적절한 주사를 위해 21게이지 정도의 큰 바늘 게이지가 필요할 수 있어 매우 불편할 수 있습니다(특히 자주 주사하는 경우).
미세 결정이 포함된 인체용 제제는 일반적으로 수의학 또는 지하 실험실에서 만든 더 조잡하고 큰 결정 현탁액보다 내약성이 더 좋습니다.
Expectations and Results from Taking Testosterone Suspension
Testosterone Suspension can result in some of the fastest size and strength gains of any anabolic steroid due to its extremely fast-acting nature.
In addition, because no ester is attached to the testosterone molecule, some of the testosterone injected into the muscle may exhibit direct activity in the muscle immediately after injection.
It is not uncommon to see a rapid weight gain within the first week after administration of testosterone suspension, often in the range of 5 to 10 pounds within the first week (or the first few days, depending on the testosterone suspension dose).
Often, testosterone suspension is not taken for a full cycle, but rather used as an occasional supplement to increase strength and aggression before or during a workout due to its very fast acting nature.
More information on this can be found in the Testosterone Suspension Cycle portion of this profile.