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Primobolan Dosage

Primobolan Dosage

Primobolan (Methenolone) Dosage

Primobolan has a very limited use, with the main restriction being its use in fat loss cycles and phases.

This is due to Primobolan's weak anabolic strength rating, and because of this low anabolic strength, Primobolan doses must be run in a higher range compared to most anabolic steroids.

This is one of the reasons why Primobolan is not used for bulking or lean mass gains, as the doses of Primobolan required for these anabolic effects are astronomically high.

That's why primobolan is often used in combination with other powerful compounds.

Even when used in a cutting cycle, a period where anabolic steroids are used at lower than normal doses, Primobolan still needs to be used in a fairly high dose range.

The reason for using low doses of anabolic steroids during a cutting or fat loss phase is that during a fat loss period, when the user is in a caloric deficit, the primary concern of these goals is to preserve muscle mass rather than add new mass.

Therefore, when using anabolic steroids during a cutting cycle, there is no need for any muscle building or mass gaining capacity.

Primobolan is somewhat of an exception, and unfortunately, higher doses must be used to overcome its low anabolic strength.


Medical Primobolan Dosage

Medical prescription guidelines for primobolan dosage can be divided into two main categories 1. oral primobolan dosage, and 2. injectable primobolan dosage.


1.Injectable Primobolan (Methenolone Enanthate)

The medical prescribing guidelines for primobolan injectable call for an initial dose of 200 mg, followed by 100 mg weekly for the duration of treatment.

Depending on the condition being treated, the dosing of primobolan may range from 100 mg every 1 to 2 weeks or 200 mg every 2 to 3 weeks. There are no specific medical dosing guidelines for female patients.


2. Oral Primobolan (methenolone acetate)

The medical prescribing guideline for oral primobolan is 100 to 150 mg per day for no more than 6 to 8 weeks.

As with injectable primobolan prescribing guidelines, there are no specific guidelines for female primobolan dosage.


Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Primobolan Dosages

If you want to take Primobolan for the purpose of enhancing your athletic performance and physique, you will need to take it at a very high dosage compared to most other anabolic steroids, as mentioned earlier.

1.Injectable Primobolan (Methenolone Enanthate)

Beginner primobolan users usually find that a primobolan dosage of 400mg per week is sufficient to achieve their goals.

Beginners rarely need to take more than 400mg weekly as they are new to the drug and can get a feel for its effects.

Intermediate primobolan doses start in the range of 400 to 700 mg per week, and often stay close to the higher doses of 700 mg per week.

Intermediate users will find that the anabolic strength of Primobolan is considerably weaker compared to other anabolic steroids, and will need to use higher doses to see the physique/performance changes that Primo is known for.

Advanced users will often use primobolan doses of 800-1,000mg or more per week.

While it is not necessary to run primobolan doses this high to preserve lean mass during a cutting cycle, on average, this is the dose required to elicit noticeable lean mass gains from a mild anabolic steroid like primobolan.

However, when run in the proper dosage range for these effects, primobolan can be labeled as one of the most impressive anabolic steroids when it comes to lean mass gains.

Female users can take primobolan in the 50 to 100 mg range on a weekly basis to enhance their physique and athletic performance without experiencing any masculinizing side effects or symptoms.

However, the injectable form of Primobolan is less utilized by women compared to the oral form due to the challenges of maintaining plasma concentrations of the hormone and the timing and schedule of injection administration to achieve this.

2. Oral Primobolan (methenolone acetate)

Beginner primobolan users typically find an effective oral primobolan dosage of 50 to 100 mg per day.

Intermediate users can achieve good results with oral primobolan doses of 100 to 150 mg daily, while advanced users are said to be very effective in the range of 150 to 200 mg daily.

Oral Primobolan is one of only two oral anabolic steroids (the other being Andriol, an oral testosterone undecanoate) that is not hepatotoxic.

So while high doses of oral primobolan can indeed be used, the risk of hepatotoxicity from Primo should not be completely ignored, especially as the oral form of primobolan doses are increased to higher and higher amounts, as oral primobolan is still resistant to metabolism and breakdown by the liver.

Female users looking to enhance their athletic performance and physique with oral primobolan can find comfort and benefits in the 50 to 75 mg daily range with little risk of aphrodisiac effects.


Proper dosage and timing of primobolan

Oral primobolan can be administered once a day, and since the half-life of oral primobolan is approximately 2-3 days, it does not need to be divided into multiple doses throughout the day.

Therefore, once daily dosing is acceptable and recommended to maintain stable peak plasma blood levels of the hormone.


Injectable primobolan preparations have a half-life of 10 days due to the enanthate ester attached to methenolone, so they should be administered twice weekly, with each injection spaced evenly apart from the other.

For example, for a total of 400 mg injections per week, 200 mg would be injected on Monday, followed by another 200 mg on Thursday, and so on.

While some individuals may be able to 'get by' with one injection per week, twice weekly injections are ideal and recommended to maintain stable and sustained peak plasma concentrations.


Expectations and results from taking Primobolan

Primobolan is a very mild anabolic steroid, so you should not expect to see impressive muscle mass and weight gains with Primobolan.

For example, taking higher doses of Primo will not induce the same type of lean mass gains that smaller doses of a very powerful anabolic steroid like trenbolone will provide.

As such, Primobolan is often used in combination with other anabolic steroids, and experienced anabolic steroid users will never use Primobolan alone, as it is well known to be a very poor anabolic steroid to use on its own.

Taking all of this into consideration, the gains from Primobolan are known to be quality muscle gains on their own, without the potential for water retention or fat gain/retention.

28 days ago