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Testosterone Cypionate Cycle

Testosterone Cypionate Cycle

Testosterone Cypionate Cycle

The only exception to this rule is the fact that the various esterified variants of testosterone tend to stack better with other anabolic steroids that have very similar half-lives and release rates.

However, this is a matter of convenience and not an exception to the rule.


For example, testosterone cypionate is much more compatible with trenbolone enanthate than trenbolone acetate in terms of injection and dosing schedules.

Testosterone Cypionate can be stacked with Trenbolone Acetate without any issues, but the issue here is that Testosterone Cypionate has a half-life of 12 days, whereas Trenbolone Acetate has a half-life of 3 days.

It is easy to see here how this can be inconvenient, so it is important to be careful and aware of this difference.

This is why testosterone cypionate combines better with trenbolone enanthate.

This is because they both have almost the same half-life, which makes the injection schedule more convenient and allows both anabolic steroids to be administered at exactly the same time and with exactly the same frequency.


There are many different types of testosterone cypionate cycles possible, which we have covered in our previous post on dosages.

Cutting, bulking, and lean mass cycles are all equally possible with Testosterone Cypionate, but all users and potential users should be aware that during a cutting or lean mass cycle, an aromatase inhibitor is required to eliminate the water retention that gives a bloated, soft, and bulky looking physique.

The exception to this is if a soft, bloated appearance is not an issue for the individual, even during a fat loss phase.

You also need to know the length of the testosterone cypionate cycle and the kick-in period.

The half-life of testosterone cypionate is 12 days, so a testosterone cypionate cycle should be extended by about 10 to 12 weeks.

Due to the long time required to reach optimal peak steady-state plasma levels, the 'kick-in' period, where the user begins to experience physique changes and strength gains in the gym, will not occur until about 4-6 weeks into the cycle.

This is in contrast to anabolic steroids, which have a shorter half-life due to their shorter ester, and the 'kick-in' period for these compounds is between two and four weeks after the start of the cycle.


Beginner Testosterone Cypionate Cycle

Beginner Testosterone Cypionate Cycle Example (12weeks total cycle time)


-Testosterone Cypionate

 300~500mg /week

This cycle is considered by many to be the most basic of all anabolic steroid cycles, and it is also the most basic of all testosterone cypionate cycles for beginners.

This cycle is the perfect introductory cycle for beginners new to anabolic steroids.

All beginner anabolic steroid cycles should always consist of testosterone only.

You can use any ester variant of testosterone you prefer, but for this particular cycle, testosterone cypionate will be used.

The reason for this mandatory stipulation is that, as we've mentioned several times throughout this profile so far, testosterone is known to be the safest anabolic steroid because it's what the human body produces endogenously and is familiar with.


Therefore, beginners have the advantage of being able to gauge and measure their individual response to the most natural and basic anabolic steroid:

Testosterone. Testosterone is, for the most part, a derivative of all other anabolic steroids.

Therefore, it makes logical sense to measure the response to testosterone itself first before moving on to other compounds, as someone who reacts in a very negative way to a testosterone alone cycle is likely to react in an even more negative way to other compounds.

This testosterone cypionate cycle is best suited as a cycle to gain muscle mass or increase lean body mass.


Intermediate Testosterone Cypionate Cycle

Intermediate Testosterone Cypionate Cycle Example (12 weeks total cycle time)


-Testosterone Cypionate

 500mg /week

-Nandrolone Decanoate

(AKA Deca Durabolin)

 400mg /week

 1- 4Weeks

-Dianabol 25mg/day

This intermediate testosterone cypionate cycle is a cycle in the very popular and commonly used testosterone / nandrolone / dianabol cycle stack.

Of course, this cycle is best suited for intermediate level testosterone cypionate cycles and is by no means a beginner cycle, contrary to what most anabolic steroid users think.


While the beginner cycle using only testosterone and its purpose was discussed above, the use of additional compounds in a cycle can be dangerous for beginners new to the world of anabolic steroids and can cause negative reactions to one or more of the compounds.

Due to the use of multiple compounds, it is unfortunately impossible to be sure which compound is the cause of these negative reactions and side effects.

This situation can be fatal in the case of an allergic reaction.

That's why beginners should always start with the basics before stacking compounds.

This intermediate stack is once again favored for the purpose of bulking and strength gains.


Advanced Testosterone Cypionate Cycle

Advanced Testosterone Cypionate Cycle Example (12 weeks total cycle time)


-Testosterone Cypionate

 100mg /week

-Trenbolone Enanthate

 600mg /week

This cycle is one of the perfect examples of a testosterone cypionate cycle, and in particular, this cycle demonstrates the use of testosterone cypionate in TRT doses as an ancillary compound used solely for the purpose of maintaining normal physiological function when endogenous testosterone production is not functioning normally (suppressed by anabolic steroid use).

As such, testosterone cypionate is reduced to a typical TRT dose of 100mg per week.


This normal physiologic testosterone dose will allow you to control estrogen levels throughout the cycle without the need for an aromatase inhibitor.

This is because at doses close to the normal physiological range, the rate at which testosterone aromatizes to estrogen is greatly reduced.

As a result, Trenbolone Enanthate now functions as the primary anabolic compound (aka 'workhorse' compound) whose function is to provide muscle growth throughout the cycle.


Trenbolone is strictly an advanced level anabolic steroid and is unsuitable for use by beginners of any type.

In this cycle, the enanthate variant of trenbolone is used simply due to its perfect compatibility with testosterone cypionate, as the aforementioned cypionate and enanthate esters have nearly identical half-lives.

This not only provides convenience to the user, but also allows for smoother injections and dosing frequency.

The fact that testosterone is used at a low enough dose to avoid aromatization, combined with the fact that trenbolone does not convert to estrogen at any dose, completely eliminates any potential water retention, bloating, gynecomastia or estrogen related side effects.

It is especially important to note that this cycle is powerful enough to be utilized as a bulking cycle, lean mass cycle, or cutting cycle, without the high potential for water retention or other estrogenic side effects.

28 days ago