Testosterone Enanthate
Testosterone is an extremely versatile and flexible anabolic steroid, and a Testosterone Enanthate cycle can be utilized for almost any purpose.
It is probably the most versatile anabolic steroid available, and as mentioned earlier, it is the only anabolic steroid that can be used safely and effectively on its own.
This is a trait that few other anabolic steroids possess.
While testosterone is powerful enough to support any cycle goal on its own, it is often used in conjunction with a variety of other anabolic steroids in a testosterone enanthate cycle.
Testosterone is compatible with literally every type of anabolic steroid, so the versatility of testosterone extends to its use with other compounds.
This argument goes without saying, especially considering the fact that testosterone is an absolute necessity in any cycle, no matter what compound is used.
The only limitations to Testosterone Enanthate are its release rate and half-life, but even so, this 'limitation' is really only a minor inconvenience in this particular case.
Testosterone enanthate has a longer half-life of 10 days, which can make it inconvenient to stack with other anabolic steroids with shorter half-lives and faster release rates (such as trenbolone acetate).
This is only a minor inconvenience rather than a limitation, as testosterone enanthate can actually be used with faster acting anabolic steroids, but anyone looking to stack the two should be aware that they will require different dosing and injection schedules due to their different half-lives.
Testosterone Enanthate can be used equally successfully in cutting cycles, lean mass cycles, and bulking cycles.
When it comes to bulking, Testosterone Enanthate combines with two other popular anabolic steroids to create the most widely used and popular anabolic steroid cycle stack ever known.
This is the Testosterone Enanthate / Dianabol / Nandrolone (Deca) stack.
Arnold and many of his bodybuilding cohorts during the golden age of bodybuilding in the 1960s and 1970s made this stack a staple of their bulking and strength phases.
It is also the most popular stack among users in all three phases of anabolic steroid use today (beginner, intermediate, and advanced).
This stack is an attractive and widely used stack among all types of anabolic steroid users because it is a stack that almost exclusively serves the goals of bulking and strength gains.
While the use of an aromatase inhibitor is indeed necessary to control water retention and bloating, which gives a soft, bloated appearance that is highly undesirable when you want a hard, lean physique, a testosterone enanthate cycle with cutting in mind is also quite possible.
When fat loss and cutting cycles are the goal, Testosterone Enanthate does not need to be used in high doses and low doses are sufficient considering that the use of anabolic steroids in cutting cycles is utilized for the purpose of preserving lean body mass during caloric restriction and deficit rather than simply adding muscle mass.
Testosterone enanthate is a longer and slower releasing anabolic steroid with a half-life of 10 days, so a longer testosterone enanthate cycle in the range of 10 to 12 weeks is required.
This is because it requires a longer period of time to reach optimal peak plasma levels.
Therefore, the kick-in period is used later in the cycle (around 4-6 weeks of the cycle) than with shorter ester fast release anabolic steroids (2-4 weeks of the cycle).
Beginner Testosterone Enanthate Cycle
Beginner Testosterone Enan Cycle Example (12 weeks total cycle time)
1- 12Weeks |
-Testosterone Enanthate 300 – 500mg/week |
This is the most basic of all anabolic steroid cycles and also the most basic of all testosterone enanthate cycles for beginners.
For those new to anabolic steroids, this cycle is the perfect introduction to anabolic steroids in general.
Every beginner anabolic steroid cycle that you start should always be a cycle consisting of some form of testosterone only.
The reason for this stipulation of anabolic steroid use is that testosterone is the safest anabolic steroid and since all human bodies manufacture this hormone endogenously, it is what the human body manufactures endogenously and is accustomed to.
Therefore, it gives beginners the opportunity to gauge and measure their individual response to the most natural and basic anabolic steroid
Testosterone is in most cases a derivative of all other anabolic steroids, and if an individual reacts in a very negative way to a simple testosterone-only cycle, they are likely to react even worse to other compounds, so it makes logical sense to first gauge their response to testosterone itself before moving on to other compounds.
Testosterone Enanthate is the testosterone product of choice in this particular case, and this Testosterone Enanthate cycle may be best suited for a bulking or lean mass gain cycle.
Intermediate Testosterone Enanthate Cycle
Intermediate Testosterone Enan Cycle Example (12 weeks total cycle time)
1- 12Weeks |
-Testosterone Enanthate 500mg /week -Nandrolone Decanoate (AKA Deca Durabolin) 400mg /week |
1- 4Weeks |
-Dianabol at 25mg /day |
This is an intermediate testosterone enanthate cycle that follows the very popular testosterone/deca durabolin/dianabol cycle stack briefly mentioned above.
This product is best suited for intermediate level testosterone enanthate cycles, and contrary to popular belief, is not a cycle suitable for beginners.
The idea of a beginner's first cycle using only testosterone was discussed above, but adding other compounds to a cycle can be dangerous for beginners who may have negative reactions and are unsure which compound is the culprit.
This situation can even be fatal in the case of an allergic reaction.
That's why beginners should always start with the basics before stacking compounds.
This intermediate stack is once again favored for the purpose of bulking and strength gains.
Advanced Testosterone Enanthate Cycle
Advanced Testosterone Enanthate Cycle Example (12 weeks total cycle time)
1- 12Weeks |
-Testosterone Enanthate 100mg /week – Trenbolone Enanthate 600mg /week |
Advanced cycles such as this are used as an example to demonstrate the use of testosterone enanthate as an ancillary compound in conjunction with a TRT dose for the sole purpose of maintaining normal physiologic function when endogenous testosterone production is not normal.
Therefore, testosterone enanthate was used to lower the TRT dose to 100 mg per week.
This low dose of testosterone is able to control estrogen levels throughout the cycle without the need for an aromatase inhibitor.
As a result, Trenbolone Enanthate is now acting as the main workhorse anabolic compound providing muscle growth throughout the cycle.
Trenbolone is only for advanced level anabolic steroids and should not be touched by beginners.
In this cycle, the enanthate variant of trenbolone is used simply because of its perfect compatibility with similarly esterified testosterone.
Both are esterified to the enanthate ester, which provides convenience and a smooth injection and dosing schedule for the user running this cycle.
The fact that the dosage of testosterone is low enough to avoid aromatization and the fact that Tren does not convert to estrogen should completely eliminate the possibility of water retention, bloating, gynecomastia or any estrogen related side effects.
This makes this cycle powerful enough to utilize as a bulking cycle, lean mass cycle, or cutting cycle.