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C20 H30 O2  

Original Manufacturer

Most Major

Half Life




4-6 weeks



Ratio (Range)


History and Overview of Methyltestosterone

Methyltestosterone can certainly be considered a classic anabolic steroid.

Not only because of the results and effects it can provide to people in terms of muscle mass gain and athletic performance, but also because it's a really old compound.

While many people don't call it by its official name, the truth is that most people are aware of this ingredient without even realizing it.


It's a really good steroid, and it's very effective and efficient in terms of its effects on the human body.

Not only is it one of the oldest steroids, but it is also one of the most important.

This is because it is the first synthetic version of testosterone.


While there are some synthetic forms of it, it was actually the first truly raw form of testosterone, the male hormone that is produced endogenously inside the male body.

The first varieties of this steroid were very similar to the hormone itself, with no ester attached, i.e. testosterone suspension, commonly known in bodybuilding circles as test suspension.

In 1937, testosterone propionate was introduced to the free market along with the aforementioned suspension.

Test Prop was unique in that it was the first testosterone with an ester attached.


For those unfamiliar, an ester is basically a bond of carbon and hydrogen atoms attached to a molecule (in this case, a testosterone molecule).

The ester acts to make the steroid less water soluble, slowing down its absorption, resulting in a much more potent effect and delaying the time the steroid is released to the user.


As such, testosterone propionate became the first commercially produced ester-attached test, and it has become a very profitable and popular item.

That said, methyl testosterone has still become a very popular and effective method of injection testing, but these days, as far as purposes are concerned, it is used more in the medical and hormone replacement field than anything else.


Methyltestosterone is an oral steroid.

In other words, it can be considered an oral form of the testosterone hormone, the first oral formulation, and the first steroid to be made from an alkylated C17-alpha molecule.

This makes it a unique compound, and it has been referred to by dozens of codenames, nicknames, and other aliases since it first appeared on the market.

However, of all the formulations for methyl testing, the most famous is Ciba's Methandren.

Made by Ciba, Methandren was an oral methyl test, but they changed the game by making it a sublingual formulation.

This means that instead of swallowing the substance whole, the user puts it in their mouth, places it under their tongue, and waits for it to be fully absorbed.

This was a game-changing formulation because we found that bioavailability increased dramatically in this trial.

In terms of exact absorption rate alone, we found that bioavailability more than doubled, which is very impressive.


Compared to testing methyl in tablet form, it's not even close.

If you take it in tablet form, it can take two to three hours to feel the peak strength, and the absorption rate is not even comparable, except that the strength is weaker.


While Shiva's methandrene was successfully manufactured, it is no longer commercially available, at least not in the true sense.

If you do happen to come across a product containing it, it's most likely a “bunk,” which is slang for a fraudulent steroid.

These days, you'll have to settle for generic formulations or compounds made by under-the-label (UGL).

Currently, there is only one lab that makes pharmaceutical-grade methyl test like Ciba, and that's Teston in Greece.


While methyltestosterone is not as popular as it once was, it is still a valid steroid in some parts of the world.

Ironically, methyltestosterone is not commonly prescribed in the United States.

At the same time, however, there is a large supply of methyl test available.

Methyl testosterone is often used to treat low testosterone levels in men, and it is also used to treat a similar rare condition called andropause, in which a man's body stops producing natural testosterone.

It is also used to treat cryptorchidism and has been used to treat breast cancer, excessive lactation after pregnancy, and even osteoporosis.


Methyltestosterone has also been used to treat women suffering from menopause by boosting their weakened libido, and remains a great treatment for those suffering from the effects of menopause in modern times.

While most women during this time will be prescribed other forms of testosterone, it's important to remember that methyltestosterone is still an option.

In addition to oral preparations, products that deliver hormones by mixing testosterone and progesterone creams or transdermal gels are also popular.

In addition, subcutaneous tablets, such as Testofel and its competitors, are also a popular way to take hormones.


Because they are oral, most people assume that this is the best way to take testosterone.

In fact, very few people take methyltestosterone intentionally these days.

For starters, methyltestosterone is much more estrogenic than other forms of testosterone.

This means that the side effects caused by methyltestosterone are not worth dealing with in the usual sense.


“In addition to that, it is highly hepatotoxic.”


This means that the toxicity can put your liver at risk.

This is a side effect that is rarely seen with other forms of testing, but because it is taken orally and the formulation is somewhat older, it has the unique characteristic of being hepatotoxic.

Given these side effects and issues, there are far more alternatives for athletes and others to consider before settling on methyltestosterone.

For these reasons, methyltestosterone is rarely used in traditional medicine.


Characteristics and Quality of Methyltestosterone

Methyltestosterone is a pure derivative of the hormone testosterone, but differs in that it has a methyl group added to it so that it can be ingested and absorbed orally.

The methyl group added to the molecule is what allows testosterone to survive digestion and mechanical breakdown in the body.

This group is attached at the 17th carbon position, and because of this position, methyltestosterone gets the name C-17-aa androgenic steroid.

It is similar to all other forms of testosterone as it carries a very high anabolic and androgenic rating pair of 100 in each category.

It is also important to note that because of the additional alteration in the C17-aa region, the anabolic activity is much less pronounced, which can be intelligently noticed and understood by both the user who feels the effects firsthand and the medical professional who theoretically recommends the use of the compound.


From a functional standpoint, methyltest is great for providing the body with a test that it needs due to the body's inability to produce it or something similar.

It is not the preferred method for supplementing testosterone due to its low bioavailability and very high estrogenic effects.

Because of these negative effects, it is not recommended for performance enhancement or athletics, but there is a unique exception found only in methyltestosterone when compared to other esters and testosterone compounds.


If judged solely on the basis of being a testosterone hormone, methyltestosterone is a great product because it is a synthetic model of the original male androgen we all know and love.

However, you might think that because it's synthetic, the body won't allow it to bind to the receptor site.

This would be a mistake.

The truth is that despite being a synthetic substance created in a lab, the body cannot tell the difference and it will successfully bind to the androgen receptor as if it were endogenously produced testosterone in the body.


We think of testosterone as a purely male compound, but the truth is that women can have low testosterone levels too, and often need it during very important hormonal changes in their lives.

This is certainly true for menopause, as the normal production of the hormone tends to decrease for almost all women.

However, if you compare the test requirements of men and women, men need more than 10 times as much testosterone as women, so the comparison is not comparable in terms of individual needs, but of course, as with all things, there are rare exceptions.


Because methyltestosterone is actually a boneless form of testosterone, it can work just as effectively as the original formulation of testosterone.

This means that if you're very concerned about your sexual or physical performance, you may find it very interesting to take a functional, high level methyltestosterone supplement.


In addition to the obvious physical needs, it's also important to supplement testosterone from a purely cognitive or mental standpoint.

If you are deficient in any of these areas, you should immediately supplement with higher amounts.

While it's good to know about methyltestosterone, it's also worth investigating other profiles such as testosterone cypionate, testosterone enanthate, testosterone propionate, or the aforementioned test suspension.


Effects of Methyltestosterone

When it comes to the effects of methyltestosterone, it's important to understand that the saturation ratio of androgenic hormones in the bloodstream is the main catalyst.

While this is true for most compounds, it is particularly strong in the case of methyltestosterone.

When you drastically increase the amount of androgenic hormone in your body, you can quickly see how effective it can be.

The reason for using methyltest may be to deal with low levels caused by external conditions.

You may also need to treat other issues completely, which is why the test increase is so necessary.


Whatever your reason for using methyltestosterone, the immediate effect will be an increase in your sex drive (libido), and you may notice a return to normal levels of motivation and energy.

These effects tend to diminish as your test levels decrease, but if you feel these effects again after starting methyltesting, it may answer the question of why you need to supplement with methyltestosterone.


These aforementioned effects, in particular, are why those suffering from andropause or male menopause will really appreciate methyltestosterone, and without a doubt, those who fall into these problem categories are the primary people who should consider methyltest first.


Now, aside from the basic medical uses of Methyltest, there's not much reason to use it if you're interested in improving your athletic performance.




Because, as mentioned earlier, it's too toxic.

While most methylated compounds are easily ingested, methylated additives are extremely toxic.

This is a no-no for anyone serious about performance enhancement, so if you think you can improve performance this way, you might want to rethink your approach to your performance enhancement plan.


In addition to the toxicity of the product, it also contains noticeably more estrogen, so users can easily find a suitable alternative to methyltestosterone, with the same benefits minus the drawbacks, instead of using this compound.

It also requires very high doses to be used for long periods of time, so given the fact that these issues combined with its relative weakness, it is not the preferred kind of testosterone to consider using.


In terms of athletic performance, athletes will not see much improvement, but in terms of purely gaining muscle mass, there are good reasons to consider using methyltestosterone.

In addition, the androgenic effects of methyltestosterone are particularly potent.

You'll immediately notice how powerful the increase in aggression, focus, and other similar traits are for sports performance, so giving methyltestosterone to a timid guy can even turn him into a “killer” overnight.


This is extremely important in a sports performance setting, as many combat sports rely heavily on the mental strength and aggression of their athletes.

Supplementing with a substance that can significantly increase aggression or focus can give athletes the benefits they are looking for.

It's also beneficial for strength athletes or those with a strong stamina, as many of these sports require the highest levels of focus, aggression, and intensity.


However, it's important to note that the aforementioned effects will in no way make someone literally “killer”.

When we use the word “killer,” we use it in a rhetorical sense to emphasize the colloquial understanding that execution is critical to success in a competitive environment.

If someone is unable or unwilling to execute, or even unwilling to execute at all, they won't perform well in that environment.

This doesn't mean that the compound brainwashes good people into doing good things or makes bad people worse, it just means that the use of the compound reinforces or “emphasizes” a personality trait in one area.


Rather than saying that aggression is always bad, it seems that it's how we use our newfound aggression that matters.

If we use it for good, it's good for us.

But if we use it for malicious purposes, we have no one to blame but ourselves.

That's why I give this compound an A for mental benefits, and it will definitely help those who want to get into a competitive environment and maximize their total output in the long run.

However, it is very estrogenic, so if you are looking to improve your mindset in a competitive environment, there are much better options out there.


Once again, anyone who is prone to aggressive or violent outbursts should not take this drug.

It will only reinforce these negative behaviors.

However, if you are a normal person who is able to exercise self-control and can cope with increased aggression, supplementing with this ingredient will definitely help.


Side Effects of Methyltestosterone

While testosterone is a compound with very low side effects for most men, it is important to note that methyltestosterone in particular has some annoying side effects that make it harder to recommend compared to other types of testosterone.


Estrogenic side effects

When it comes to estrogenic side effects, bloating is more likely to occur with this form of testing.

As with most other forms of testing, binding to the aromatase receptor causes it to become scented, which can lead to side effects such as gynecomastia (breast tissue growth), abdominal bloating, and increased mood swings.

In the case of methyltestosterone in particular, because it is a methylated form, it is converted to methylestradiol, which means that the effects of aromatization are even more pronounced.

This means you'll need to take extra care, such as having an aromatase inhibitor or SERM on hand to combat these side effects.

You'll also want to pay attention to your cholesterol levels, and if they get out of control, you'll need AI to saturate your system and bring them back to normal.

Remember that all forms of testing are equally likely to cause these issues, but methyl tests in particular are more likely to do so because the molecules are methylated.


Androgenic side effects

As with most tests, there are androgenic side effects.

This means that if your test switches to DHT, you may see signs of acne or baldness, but remember that if you're already prone to male pattern baldness, you're only accelerating the rate at which it should naturally occur.

As with estrogenic side effects, the aforementioned androgenic side effects will be more pronounced due to the potency of this compound.

While you can stop balding by taking a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor like finasteride, there's no guarantee that you'll be able to stop balding completely.


Methyltestosterone side effects for women

Because of these androgenic effects, women shouldn't even think about using methyltestosterone unless they are taking it in very low doses under the supervision of a medical professional.

The chance of masculinization is so high that there is no reason for you (as a woman) to use this drug for sexual performance purposes.

Symptoms of masculinization such as clitoral enlargement, deep voice, hair growth, imbalance in estrogen levels, and an increase in male structural features are all signs of masculinization, and you should stop using the drug immediately if you experience any of these symptoms.


Cardiovascular side effects

For cardiovascular side effects, it's important to note that, as with most drug use, bad cholesterol can increase.

This is where AI can help.

You should also keep an eye on your blood pressure levels, as increased water retention can lead to higher blood pressure levels that need to be dealt with.

HDL levels can be mildly suppressed, but AI can mitigate this by manipulating estrogen levels, which can be used to saturate the system with good cholesterol.

In general, people who maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle should have no problem reducing their chances of serious cardiovascular disease, but for those who don't, there is less room for error when it comes to cardiovascular health.


Testosterone Suppression Side Effects

As far as the effect on endogenous testosterone is concerned, a shutdown can occur whenever a strong exogenous hormone like methyltestosterone is used.

Therefore, a PCT protocol should be prepared.

PCT stands for Post Cycle Therapy, which requires the use of several items to not only bring estrogen levels back to normal, but also to restart endogenous hormone production after experiencing a shutdown with a strong exogenous compound.

For men with normal test levels, PCT may be necessary with the addition of methyltestosterone.

Women do not need PCT, and men with low testosterone levels do not need PCT.


Finally, it's important to keep an eye on the hepatotoxic effects of the compound.

As mentioned earlier, this is a much more toxic compound.

As such, you need to be aware that the side effects can really harm the organ, and once the problem occurs, it's very difficult to fix.

The liver is the slowest regenerating cell in the entire body, so you should make liver health a top priority.

Monitor your enzyme levels and, as an extra precaution, minimize your alcohol intake to avoid putting unnecessary stress on your liver.

Methyltestosterone Dosage and Administration

Methyltestosterone has a very powerful effect.

To increase aggression and athletic performance with methyltestosterone, it is recommended to take 40 to 50 mg within 8 weeks.


In a therapeutic setting, 10 to 40 mg will provide most of the benefits.

In most cases, the starting dose is higher and is tapered down over time until it reaches the 10mg level.


For women using methyltestosterone, the dosage should be very low.

It shouldn't be more than 2.5 mg, and even that can be too much for many women.

When women are prescribed or choose to use methyltestosterone, they are often given estrogen tablets along with the testosterone.


Availability of methyltestosterone

Methyltestosterone is commonly found in the pharmaceutical market due to its popularity in therapeutic settings.

While it is rare to find methyltestosterone on the black market or under the counter, many fake steroids sold as Anadrol, Dianabol, and Winstrol actually contain methyltestosterone.

Beware, there are many fake steroids in Korea.



Overall, this is a very powerful compound that has therapeutic benefits as well as enhancing mental strength, focus, and aggression.

However, due to its estrogenic and hepatotoxic effects, methyltestosterone ranks a bit lower on the list of preferred forms of testosterone.

If you're looking for a great form of testosterone, methyltestosterone isn't the only testosterone product to choose from.

28 days ago