Chemical Name |
4-chloro-17a-methyl-17b-hydroxyandrosta-1,4-dien-3-one |
Molecular Weight |
334.89 g/mol |
Formula |
C20H27ClO2 |
Original Manufacturer |
Jenapharm |
Half Life |
16 hours |
Detection Time |
11 – 12 months |
Anabolic Rating |
54 |
Androgenic Rating |
6 |
Turinabol Overview and History
Turinabol (also known as chlorodihydromethyltestosterone, 'Tbol', and oral Turinabol) is actually a modified form of Dianabol (methandrostenolone), combining the chemical structure of Dianabol and Clostebol (4-chlorotestosterone).
Therefore, the actual chemical name is 4-chlorodihydromethyltestosterone.
Due to the modification of the chemical structure, Turinabol is not aromatized and has a very low androgenic rating, which is likely how Turinabol earned the nickname “mild Dianabol”.
Information about Turinabol was first published in 1962, and the chlorodihydromethyltestosterone was manufactured and marketed as Turinabol and Oral Turinabol by Xenapharm in East Germany[1].
Like other compounds such as Anavar (Oxandrolone), Turinabol had a fairly distinct separation of anabolic and androgenic effects, gaining respect from medical practitioners and doctors who favored the anabolic effects.
This is one of the reasons it is often compared to compounds like Anavar or Promobolan.
As a result, like Anavar or Promobolan, oral Turinabol has been used extensively for medical purposes, not only in adult males, but also in women and children.
At the time, Turinabol was available in two concentrations per tablet
“1mg tablets and 5mg tablets”
The 1mg tablet was typically used in individuals who were traditionally more sensitive to anabolic steroid therapy, such as women and children.
At the time, it was prescribed for a variety of conditions, but was also frequently used to reduce body fat mass in wasting diseases and to promote increased bone strength and mass.
In the late 1990s, it was revealed that turinabol was one of the main anabolic steroids used by East Germany in its infamous state-sponsored doping program known as State Plan Research Theme 14.25.
The scheme was developed by the East German government in the late 1960s and implemented from 1974 to 1989, with the express purpose of administering anabolic steroids to all athletes (whether they knew it or not) in order to gain an edge in the Olympics and other international sporting events.
A key goal of the program was to simply cheat the anabolic steroid testing system at the Olympics by administering anabolic steroids, which at the time were not well known and therefore undetectable, to male and female athletes who were told by their trainers and coaches that they were being given little blue vitamins.
It was later discovered that most of these “vitamins” were actually oral turinabol.
Over a period of just over 20 years, it was discovered that approximately 10,000 athletes were administered anabolic steroids (mostly turinabol).
Although Turinabol demonstrated remarkable efficacy and safety, in 1994, Xenapam ceased production.
This was in the early 1990s, a time when negative perceptions of steroids were on the rise and most anabolic steroids were being discontinued and removed from the global market.
The increasing negative attention on anabolic steroid use in sports in the early 1990s did not help the case of Turinabol, and its fate was similar to that of many other anabolic steroids at the time.
Xenapharm was eventually acquired by Schering AG in 1996, but did not resume manufacturing T-balls.
The timing of the production halt in the early 1990s coincided with the revelation of details about East Germany's state-sponsored doping program, and the abrupt cessation of production, coupled with the news surrounding the doping program, likely contributed to the perception among athletes and bodybuilders that Turinabol was a highly mysterious, special, and hard-to-get anabolic steroid.
Today, there is no known pharmaceutical production of this compound, and production is limited to under-the-label (UGL) manufacturers.
Chemical Properties of Tibol (Turinabol)
As mentioned earlier, Tibol is actually a modified form of Dianabol (methandrostenolone), which is a combination of the chemical structures of Dianabol and Clostebol (4-chlorotestosterone).
Tibol has the same general chemical structure of Dianabol and the same 4-chloro substituent that Clostebol has.
This results in Tibol being a much milder hormone than its parent, Dianabol.
The change in chemical structure not only removes its ability to aromatize into estrogen, but also makes it much less androgenic in strength."[2]
As such, Turinabol has an anabolic rating of 54 and a very low androgenic rating of 6, which allows for a very distinct and favorable distinction between anabolic and androgenic effects[3].
While the anabolic strength is considerably lower than Dianabol's 90 - 210 rating, the sharp distinction between anabolic and androgenic effects tends to be much more favorable to the individual.
Due to its chemical modifications, Turinabol also has a long half-life of 16 hours and the ability to bind to sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG)[4].
Turinabol is C17-alpha alkylated to increase its oral bioavailability, resulting in some degree of hepatotoxicity[5].
It also has a double bond between carbon 1 and carbon 2 (also known as a 1-en-carbon), which is responsible for its reduced androgenic strength.
Finally, as mentioned earlier, there is a chloro group added to the 4th carbon, which prevents it from aromatizing and further reduces its androgenic strength.
Characteristics of Turinabol (Tibol)
Due to its distinctly separate androgenic and anabolic effects, Tibol is a milder anabolic steroid than its parent hormone, Dianabol.
What is certain, however, is that Tibol's muscle-building abilities are far less androgenic than its androgenic effects, and it has no estrogenic effects at all (as it does not convert to estrogen).
Because it is considerably weaker than Dianabol, the dosage required to elicit the effects of Tibol is considered to be quite high (as will be discussed shortly in the Tibol dosage post in this profile).
In general, athletes and bodybuilders can expect steady, quality lean mass gains without the risk of bloating, feminization, or other estrogenic effects.
Due to its lack of anabolic properties, mass and strength gains are not known to be dramatic, but you can expect steady, quality lean mass gains that continue to increase over time.
It also serves as an ideal cutting agent during periods of fat loss or pre-contest preparation as it does not convert to estrogen.
Turinabol's ability to bind to SHBG is what makes it shine as an adjunct to other anabolic steroids when used in combination (stacking) with other anabolic steroids.
Another advantage of binding to SHBG is that it allows the other anabolic steroids stacked together to be used in greater amounts and to exert their effects unhindered by SHBG.
Turinabol (Tibol) Side Effects
Oral Turinabol is known as one of the 'milder' oral anabolic steroids, and is often placed in the same category as Anavar (oxandrolone) and Primobolan.
Turinabol is also non-estrogenic and does not cause estrogen levels to rise.
This means that tibol is a relatively safe compound for women and those looking to enter the world of mild anabolic steroids.
Androgenic Side Effects
Turinabol has significantly reduced androgenic strength due to the chemical change of retaining a double bond between carbons 1 and 2 and the 4-chloro modification.
However, this does not avoid the androgenic effects of Turinabol.
At higher doses, Tbol can cause androgenic symptoms such as aggression, anger, and acne.
Turinabol is also metabolized by 5-alpha reductase into more potent androgenic metabolites, but the rate of 5AR reduction that Turinabol is exposed to is known to be very minimal.
Therefore, the use of 5AR inhibitors such as proscar, dutasteride, and finasteride is unlikely to be effective.
Estrogenic side effects
Turinabol is a modified form of methandrostenolone (Dianabol, Dbol), and while Dianabol has a moderate affinity for aromatization into estrogen, Turinabol does not at all.
The chemical makeup of Turinabol makes interaction with the estrogen receptor (ER) impossible.
This is a result of the 4-chloro substitution (a chloro group attached to the 4th carbon of the steroid structure).
Therefore, Turinabol is unable to produce aromatase at any dose.
Side effects such as gynecomastia are not a side effect of Turinabol use.
Testosterone Suppression
Almost all anabolic steroids alter endogenous testosterone production in men and women to varying degrees.
Oral Turinabol is considered mild, but it still causes testosterone suppression.
While treninabol does not interact with the estrogen receptor (ER) or progesterone receptor (PgR) in the hypothalamus to cause suppression, it can interact with the androgen receptor (AR) to decrease the production of gonadotropins.
Therefore, post cycle therapy (PCT) is recommended when using Tibol alone.
Anti-estrogens such as Nolvadex and Clomid can be used to boost endogenous testosterone production after concomitant use of Tbol.
Hepatotoxicity and cholesterol-related side effects
Because treninabol is a C17-alpha alkylated oral anabolic steroid, its use may cause elevations in liver levels, including AST and ALT levels.
However, as shown in a 1990 medical study of East German athletes, doses of 15-35 mg per day did not significantly change AST and ALT levels.
However, it is important to remember that today's Tbol doses go beyond 15-35 mg per day and often exceed 60 mg.
Therefore, more negative effects on the liver, kidneys, and cholesterol are expected.
As with many oral steroids, the user's cholesterol profile can change dramatically.
HDL can drop and LDL can rise, creating a bad environment for other cardiovascular-related side effects and increased risk factors.
Cardiovascular side effects
As mentioned earlier, even short-term use of oral steroids can alter cholesterol levels.
Recent studies have pointed to cholesterol as one of the most important steroid-related side effects that bodybuilders should avoid.
If proper precautions are not taken, thickening of the blood (red blood cell count RBC), arterial plaque, high blood pressure, high LDL and low HDL can and do lead to coronary heart disease (CHD).
For this reason, it is recommended that all oral steroids be taken in 6-8 week cycles and no longer.
You may also want to consider taking supplements such as
“Curcumin, citrus bergamot, vitamin K2, and omega-3s”
Turinabol Dosage and Administration
Turinabol has a low androgenic rating of 6 and an anabolic strength rating of 53, making it almost perfect in terms of side effects versus gains.
Due to its low androgenic rating, acne, aggression, anger, and strength gains are rare but not non-existent.
Due to its lack of anabolic activity compared to its parent hormone, Dianabol, bodybuilders do not view oral Tibol as a muscle building agent.
Turinabol has about half the anabolic rating of testosterone, so a dosage in the range of 40-60 mg per day is recommended for entry-level use.
Doses of Turinabol can exceed 80-100mg per day, but bodybuilders report that weight gain remains constant while side effects begin to increase.
The medical dosage of Turinabol is around 5-10mg per day and is given to people with muscle wasting conditions.
Medical doses for women start at 1mg per day and can exceed 2.5mg per day (QC).
Historically, athletic and bodybuilding literature indicates that the East German weightlifting team used 10 grams of turinabol per year (27 mg per day), and the article states that the best East German sprinters took no more than 730 mg per year (2 mg per day) of turinabol.
It is recommended that beginners take 30-40mg per day and intermediates take 50-80mg per day.
Advanced and professional bodybuilders may use 80-100mg per day or more, with some forums reporting 150mg per day.
However, these extreme doses can cause side effects and better results may be achieved with other androgens.
The dosage of Turinabol for women is 5 to 10 mg per day.
Steroid abuse in women can cause permanent virilization symptoms, acne, aggression, and masculinizing effects with extreme doses.
Turinabol has a half-life of 16 hours.
This is considered long when compared to other oral androgens.
For example, Dianabol, which is structurally closely related to tibol, has a half-life of 4.5-6 hours.
This long half-life allows steroid users to consume their entire daily dose in a single day, rather than having to split it into two doses.
Turinabol Stacking Cycle
Turinabol is often stacked with other anabolic steroids because it is a mild compound and will lower the user's natural testosterone levels.
Turinabol is not the most anabolic or androgenic of steroids, which is why it is preferred over Tibol.
This relatively mild anabolic is used in cutting phases, fat loss periods, and pre-contest bodybuilding.
A Turinabol cycle may consist of taking only 40-60 mg of the oral product per day for 6-8 weeks.
This will improve strength, lean muscle, and maintain muscle mass during a calorie deficit.
Preventing protein breakdown is a very necessary weapon when your goal is to get your body fat below 10%.
More advanced stacks of oral Turinabol can mean other compounds such as; Testosterone can be used for synergistic effects.
Short ester and long ester testosterone preparations can be used.
Injecting 100mg of testosterone propionate every other day for 8 weeks with 60mg of Turinabol is a great stack for summer muscle mass and cutting.
For longer testosterone cycles, for example using testosterone enanthate for 12 weeks, use oral testosterone for the first 4-6 weeks while the testosterone “kicks in”.
This is the term used for when stable plasma levels peak and muscle mass and protein synthesis peak.
Turinabol References
[1] Doerner G and Schubert A. Proc.lntern. Congr. Hormonal Steroids, Milan 1962, Excerpta Med.lntern. Congr. Ser. 51,210.
[2] Influence of 1-double bond and 11 beta-hydroxy group on stereospecific microbial reduction of 4-en-3-oxo-steroids. J Steroid Biochem. 1986 Oct 25(4):561-6.
[3] “The steroid story of xenapam: from the late 1940s to the early 1970s”. Schwarz S, Onken D, Schubert A (July 1999). Steroids 64(7): 439-45. doi:10.1016/S0039-128X(99)00003-3. PMID 10443899.
[4] Pharmacokinetics of oral Turinabol in humans. Pharmacist. September 1991. 46(9):650-4. in German.
[5] Department of Urology, Universitaetsklinikum. Karl Gustav Karus. Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany.