Oxandrolone is the chemical name of Anavar, which is one of the most widely used oral anabolic steroids and is still in use today.
Common questions before using anabolic steroids are
"What will the results be?"
This is usually asked in terms of positive gains and whether the user might experience side effects and what they might be.
However, this is a difficult question to answer due to the numerous factors that affect every individual.
Gender, age, past experience, genetic response, androgen sensitivity, diet, and past and current training experience all play a role in determining the anabolic results a steroid user will actually experience.
This is largely unknown, but ideas can be formulated and some side effects can be ruled out completely.
Anavar and Bulking
Anavar Steroids As discussed in other sections of Anavar, Oxandrolone is categorized as a mild anabolic steroid when compared to other steroids such as Dianabol, Anadrol and Trenbolone.
This is confirmed by its mild nature and overall good safety profile.
Oxandrolone does not cause aromatization or elevated estrogen levels and is a dihydrotestosterone (DHT) based anabolic steroid.
However, just because an anabolic steroid is safe doesn't mean it's always good during a bulking cycle or stack.
Some of the more toxic and harsh anabolic steroids are best suited for packing on muscle, and that's where Anavar falls short.
Compared to other oral steroids such as Dianabol or Anadrol, Anavar cannot be compared to bulking, but taking a higher dose of 80-100mg daily will result in a greater amount of muscle buildup overall.
Anavar is an excellent androgen used for strength gains and is also widely used by athletes looking to improve their speed.
Speed and power sports are where Anavar shows its true colors.
It is not part of an off-season or bulking phase.
Because Anavar is a DHT-derived steroid and structurally incapable of aromatizing, muscle gains with Anavar are high quality muscle with no water retention.
Being in the DHT family also means that it reduces SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin), which releases more free testosterone to help build and preserve muscle tissue and accelerate fat loss.
When it comes to taking Anavar in women, Anavar is probably the most popular anabolic steroid used.
Due to its safety profile, women can use Anavar in bulks of 10-15mg daily, with low cases of fertility or other side effects.
If you experience any side effects or symptoms, discontinue use immediately or lower the dosage and seek medical advice.
Anavar and Cutting
Oxandrolone is an anabolic steroid primarily used during a cutting or bulking phase.
Unless used by athletes to increase power and/or speed, Anavar is best used as a cutting agent.
Anavar speeds up fat burning and increases lipolysis and fat oxidation.
While almost any anabolic steroid can be used in a bulking or cutting cycle and nutrition and cardio will determine your end goal, some anabolic steroids, such as Winstrol and Primobolan, are classified as true cutting anabolic steroids due to the actions they primarily exhibit in steroid users.
Anavar not only speeds up and accelerates the burning of excess adipose tissue, but also helps the body maintain muscle mass levels before and during calorie restriction.
Since oxandrolone has a short half-life of 9 hours, the effects of Anavar occur fairly quickly.
Weight loss does not occur in a matter of days, but over weeks and months, provided that you are taking an Anavar with the correct ingredients.
Anavar is also popularly used by women.
As with men, anavar helps to maintain levels of muscle tissue, or maintain muscle tissue through anabolic support.
Although it is common knowledge that women find it more difficult to burn fat and preserve muscle when in a calorie deficit, anavar is often used and for good reason.
Negative Anavar Results
Anavar is one of the safest anabolic steroids for men, women, and people under the age of 21.
Oxandrolone is a DHT-based anabolic steroid, so it cannot aromatize and actually helps to lower the user's circulating estrogen levels.
The lack of increased estrogen means that a number of side effects such as gynecomastia, water retention, acne, mood swings, and loss of libido usually do not occur.
It's not all good though, as Anavar can have a fairly significant negative effect on cholesterol (lipid profile).
Blood pressure is not a common problem for Anavar users, but if you exceed 80-100mg daily, you may start to experience side effects that are not normally present.
Anavar is also a C17-alpha-alkylated (17aa) anabolic steroid, meaning it has structural changes that help it survive "first-pass" liver metabolism and enter the bloodstream after ingestion.
However, these structural changes can cause severe hepatotoxicity and should be limited to 4-6 consecutive uses. Blood tests should be performed before, during, and after use of Anavar, or when using large amounts or prolonged oxandrolone use.
Anabolic Effects
In the anabolic steroid market, there are steroids that are most effective for cutting cycles (body fat loss) and those that are better suited for bulking cycles (muscle mass and size gains).
However, not all steroids can cross over so easily while others can.
When we look at Anavar, we find a steroid that works in two different ways depending on gender.
For men, Anavar has a cutting effect that increases body fat loss, while for women it has more of a muscle building effect.
Because it is so mild, it is one of the few steroids that most women can use with little to no side effects.
Because of this, Anavar is a very popular steroid, but unfortunately counterfeits are found quite often due to its high demand.
Anavar, also known as Oxandrolone, is an oral supplement of DHT or dihydrotestosterone and is a very fast acting anabolic steroid after ingestion.
This means that oxandrolone has a short half-life of around 9 hours, which means that men will need to use it multiple times throughout the day to achieve true results.
Therefore, using Anavar can be an expensive option in the long run for most men, making it a non-viable option.
A closer look at the oxandrolone hormone will reveal how the therapeutic effects of Anavar work for athletes.
The steroid has the ability to help the body maintain muscle mass, especially for those with muscle wasting conditions.
In fact, the healing and restorative properties of the oxandrolone hormone make it a first-line treatment option for those suffering from severe burns.
It is important to note that Anavar is one of the few steroids on the market that does not cause significant weight gain due to tissue growth, so even if an individual experiences a certain amount of growth, they will still experience limited but solid and pure muscle mass.
Effects of Anavar on the body
While the main effects of Anavar and oxandrolone are regeneration and preservation, another major effect that the steroid has is on the anabolism.
Oxandrolone acts on the fat in the body and promotes lipolysis, increasing the amount of fat burned.
The more muscle mass you have, the greater the amount of body fat that is burned for fuel and energy production.
Having a lot of muscle mass will kick your metabolism up a notch, but unfortunately, it can also mean that your body will start metabolizing muscle mass for fuel when you're on a calorie deficit diet.
This is where oxandrolone comes into play, as it not only improves metabolic function, but also helps the body maintain muscle mass during periods of dieting and cutting.
Anavar can give a male physique a pleasing, toned appearance and create the sculpted look that many men seek.
Men need to use around 80mg daily, which is expensive considering that 10mg is around $2,000.
This makes it a poor choice for most men.
Anavar effects on women
For many athletes and bodybuilders, Anavar is commonly referred to as a "woman's" steroid.
It has earned this nickname because of the benefits oxandrolone has on a woman's body shape and form.
In men, the effects are generally milder and more focused on cutting.
For women, Anavar will lead to an improved physique and the ability to pack on hard, lean muscle tissue.
In fact, women will need around 10mg of Anavar to get the maximum effects of Anavar, making it an affordable and beneficial steroid.
Anavar is one of the most used steroids in the female fitness world, and you can bet that your favorite sports star gracing the covers of magazines has used Anavar to achieve the physique they have today.
While Anavar helps men lose body fat and build a more toned and ripped physique, women benefit from its ability to help them build lean, hard muscle mass.
Anavar Myths and Truths
Accurate and unbiased Anavar reviews are hard to find on the web, so it's best to first understand what this androgen essentially is.
Oxandrolone was first developed in the early 1960s by the G.D. Searle & Co. laboratories (now known as Pfizer Inc.) in the early 1960s.
It has since become one of the most popular anabolic steroids and is still commonly used today by male and female bodybuilders, athletes, and recreational users.
Knowing the basics of how oxandrolone works on the body is the first step to knowing and understanding which reviews to take note of and which to ignore.
Here are the basics about Anavar:
-Oxandrolone is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
-Anavar is the brand name currently given to oxandrolone by Pfizer.
-Other brand names include. Lonavar, Lipidex, Antriol, Anatropil, and Protiva
-It is medically administered to patients to gain weight during a gastric contraction.
Var is an oral anabolic steroid with a half-life of 9 hours.
A C17-alpha-alkylated drug (17aa) anabolic steroid that causes hepatotoxicity.
Anavar is known to be one of the safest and friendliest anabolic steroids available and is not as hard on the liver as other oral steroids such as Dianabol or Winstrol.
Positive Anavar Reviews
Oxandrolone is one of the most popular anabolic steroids in use today, and for good reason.
With a low incidence of side effects and an excellent safety profile, Anavar has many positive attributes.
These include
-Muscle mass gains
-Fat loss and increased metabolic rate
-Increased strength and power
-Increased aggressiveness
-Faster recovery time between workout bouts
-Increased libido (sex drive)
-Improved cognitive function and mood
-Preservation of muscle tissue
As you can clearly see, Var is an excellent all-around choice that can be used for a variety of goals in both men and women.
However, this excellent anabolic steroid is not without its risks.
Negative Anavar Reviews
As mentioned earlier, Anavar is a safe steroid for most men and women, but oxandrolone can cause serious side effects.
That is why it is recommended not to exceed 4-6 weeks of continuous use, and for men, 30-80 mg daily,
10-20mg daily for women, and a small/moderate dose of 10-20mg daily is recommended.
Possible side effects of Anavar include:
-Testosterone suppression, loss of labia minora
-Prostate enlargement
-Hair loss
-Testicular atrophy
-Hair growth and loss (women)
-Changes in menstrual cycle
-Vocal cord depression (women)
-Liver toxicity
-Negative cholesterol changes
-High blood pressure
-Clitoral enlargement (women)
While the list is not necessarily small, most of these side effects are rare and can be controlled by using a reasonable and safe Anavar dosage.
Keep it to a minimum for only as long as you need it and avoid dose abuse.
If you start to experience any side effects or symptoms, reduce your dose or stop Oxandrolone (Anavar) immediately.
Anavar reviews that aren't true
All of the above points and facts are 100% accurate and are supported by the latest personal experiences of users on message boards, clinical data and medical studies.
There is no question as to whether the above statements are true or not.
Since Anavar is a very popular androgen, it is inevitable that there will be arguments for and against its use.
To help you understand what is true and what is not true about oxandrolone, we have compiled some of the best Anavar reviews online.
While some of them contain a grain of truth, some are not true at all, and others are simply brainfarts.
The lie:
Anavar use will shrink your testicles and make your penis shorter.
Anavar use will decrease endogenous testosterone levels.
This also occurs in a dose-response manner, so the higher the dose, the more natural testosterone levels are suppressed.
This decrease in total testosterone can occur during and after use due to the steroid user's loss of libido or because natural hormone production has not fully recovered.
However, since Anavar is a DHT-derived anabolic steroid that actually triggers and increases libido and energy levels, this side effect, while possible, is rare.
There is no evidence that anabolic steroids can cause a decrease in penis size.
The lie:
Anavar use will shrink your testicles and make your penis shorter.
Anavar use will decrease endogenous testosterone levels.
This also occurs in a dose-response manner, so the higher the dose, the more natural testosterone levels are suppressed.
This decrease in total testosterone can occur during and after use due to the steroid user's loss of libido or because natural hormone production has not fully recovered.
However, since Anavar is a DHT-derived anabolic steroid that actually triggers and increases libido and energy levels, this side effect, while possible, is rare.
There is no evidence that anabolic steroids can cause a decrease in penis size.
The lie:
Anavar does not cause clitoral enlargement side effects in women.
Anavar is an anabolic and androgenic steroid, so it can cause this fertility side effect in women, but the incidence is low and rare if you do not exceed 15-20mg daily.
By not abusing oxandrolone and taking it responsibly, you can reduce the chances of fertility symptoms occurring.
As with other anabolic steroids, abuse can lead to side effects that are not temporary but permanent.
The dose used, as well as an individual's genetics, will determine whether or not they will experience gynecomastia symptoms.
Some may experience these side effects at lower doses and some may not experience them at all at higher doses, Anavar results vary and the only way to know is to experiment but use safe logic.
The lie:
Anavar is safe if you are under 20 years old.
The truth:
It isn't.
If your endocrine system is developing or not fully mature, anabolic steroids are not safe.
We have already touched on the effects on the HPTA (hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis) and it causes a degree of suppression.
This is magnified when Anavar is used by teenagers and young adults whose endocrine systems are not fully mature and do not have baseline levels of testosterone.
Although it causes less damage than other anabolic steroids, it can still cause problems and if used at a young age, use a low dose of 20-30mg daily for men and limit its use.
Since Anavar does not directly affect estrogen levels or aromatase, it will not cause stunted growth or decreased height during puberty, but may cause changes due to testosterone suppression.