As mentioned earlier, Anavar is an anabolic steroid that has more versatility in its use and Anavar cycles than most individuals initially encounter.
It also has the ability to be more versatile than most, if not all, other oral anabolic steroids.
Anavar is known to be less liver toxic than most other oral anabolic steroids, as demonstrated in various studies.
First of all, according to the manufacturer's original recommendations, Anavar is actually not metabolized in the liver as much as other oral anabolic steroids, and experts believe that this is one of the main factors for its low impact on liver toxicity.
Studies conducted have shown that Anavar has the lowest levels of sulfobromophthalein (BSP), a marker of liver alteration/toxicity, when compared to oral anabolic steroids such as methyltestosterone, norethandrone, fluoxymesterone, and methandriol [1].
This 'mild' nature of Anavar in regards to liver toxicity allows Anavar to be used as more than a kick-start compound for cycles that can actually run for much longer periods of time (than Anadrol-50, for example).
Anavar cycles (especially using anavar on its own) can be safely extended to 8-10 weeks, but users should always be aware of the risks associated with liver toxicity and always supplement with appropriate liver support products that have been proven effective.
Anavar's versatility also makes it an effective cutting agent for use in fat loss cycles, as well as an effective compound for mass addition or bulking (as evidenced by its anabolic strength, which is at least three times that of testosterone).
In anavar cycles, it is commonly stacked with other anabolic steroids with similar properties (zero/low water retention, no estrogenic conversion, etc.) such as Masteron or Trenbolone.
In any case, an Anavar cycle should always include some form of testosterone to at least maintain normal physiologic function in the absence of adequate levels of endogenous natural testosterone.
Anavar is generally touted as an anabolic steroid that mildly suppresses the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis (HPTA), but in reality this is only true for the lowest of the common medical prescription doses (e.g. 5mg daily given to children).
Bodybuilding doses (such as those previously recommended for Anavar use) actually show a large amount of endogenous natural testosterone suppression.
In one study involving 6 young male subjects, Anavar at a dose of 15mg daily for 5 days significantly reduced the subjects' testosterone levels from 449 ng/dl to 282 ng/dl on day 5, a 37% decrease in testosterone in 5 days [2].
Seeing this significant suppression in just 5 days at a dose of 15mg per day gives you an idea of the degree of suppression seen when used for bodybuilding (at least 30mg per day).
This indicates that Anavar is indeed a very suppressive compound for HPTA, and indicates that testosterone should be used in all Var cycles.
Beginner Anavar Cycle
Example Beginner Anavar Cycle (12 weeks total cycle time)
1-12week |
- Testosterone Enanthate 300 to 500 mg/week |
1-8week |
- Anavar 30-40mg/day |
This beginner Anavar cycle will introduce you to Anavar at a beginner dose ranging from 30 - 40mg daily (totaling 210 - 280mg weekly).
The total duration of Anavar use here is 8 weeks, which exceeds the typical run time of most other oral anabolic steroids.
This is due to its mild effects on hepatotoxicity, which allows you to run Anavar for 8-10 weeks rather than the typical 4-6 week duration of most other oral anabolic steroids.
A long ester form of testosterone is used, as long ester forms of anabolic steroids are commonly used by beginners for ease of dosage administration and timing.
This results in a slightly longer total cycle length (12 weeks).
Testosterone is still the main part of the cycle and is run at doses in the 300-500mg range weekly, with Anavar providing the main anabolic action.
It is important to understand that since testosterone is run at a higher bodybuilding dose, water retention via estrogen conversion is much more likely to occur, which can result in a soft, bloated looking physique along with the gains experienced.
Regardless, this cycle is best suited for lean mass gains and/or bulking up.
Intermediate Anavar Cycle
Intermediate Anavar Cycle Example (12 weeks total cycle time)
1-12week |
- Testosterone Enanthate
100mg /week |
1-8week |
- Anavar 100mg /day |
This intermediate anavar cycle runs testosterone at a TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) dose of 100 mg weekly simply to maintain normal physiological function.
In this case, testosterone is run as a supportive compound rather than the main muscle-building agent in the cycle.
In these cases, the dose of Anavar is increased to fulfill the role of the main anabolic agent in the cycle.
Here, the dosage is 100mg daily, which comes out to 700mg weekly, which is a huge amount considering the strength of anavar, which is at least three times that of testosterone.
An anavar cycle like this is not only suitable for adding lean mass, but also for fat loss and shredding due to the low TRT dose of testosterone which limits the amount of estrogen conversion.
Advanced Anavar Cycle
Advanced Anavar Cycle Example (8 weeks total cycle time)
1-8week |
- Testosterone Propionate
25mg every other day
(100mg per week)
- -Trenbolone Acetate
100mg every other day
(400mg per week)
- Anavar 100mg/day
Advanced anavar cycles like this introduce short ester anabolic steroids such as testosterone propionate and trenbolone acetate, the purpose of which is to achieve peak plasma concentrations of the hormone much faster than longer ester anabolic steroids.
The result is a powerful, fast-acting, and intense cycle.
Once again, testosterone is relegated to a supporting role in TRT doses, with Trenbolone and Anavar acting as the primary muscle building anabolic steroids.
Both Trenbolone and Anavar are compounds that do not possess estrogenic activity or aromatase enzyme activity, so you will experience purely lean gains on this cycle with no water retention or fat gain/retention.
This cycle is suitable for any goals such as bulking, lean mass, or fat loss/shredding.
The intensity of this anavar cycle and the powerful compounds stacked within it allow for manipulation towards any goal (provided the individual's diet is adjusted to go in that direction).
Anavar refers to
[1] Methyltestosterone, related steroids, and liver function. DeLorimier, Gordan G, Lowe R., et al. Arch Integer Med 116(1965):289-94.
[2] Short-term Oxandrolone Administration Stimulates Lean Muscle Protein Synthesis in Young Men. Melinda Sheffield-Moore, Randall J. Urban, Steven E. Wolf, J. Jiang, Don H. Catlin, David N. Herndon, Robert R. Wolfe, and Arny A. Ferrando. Sheffield-Moore et al. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. August 1, 1999; 84(8): 2705