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Why Primobolan is Primo

Why Primobolan is Primo
Posted in: ANABOLICS

Why Primobolan is Primo

A. We did not find any androgen receptor binding studies on methenolone in our literature review.
It is unclear how the website reports the androgen to anabolic ratio.

B. Human liver function

a. It was originally thought that methenolone enanthate and acetate (and nandrolone phenopropionate) would not cause liver stress, unlike 17-alkylated steroids [1].

b. Methenolone enanthate appears to have improved albumin turnover in patients with cirrhosis [2].

C. Female breast cancer (Human female breast cancers)

a. Methenolone enanthate has been used (effectively) to treat women with breast cancer.

It has been shown to cause masculinization and not convert to estrogen [3].

b. In a group of 28 women with cancer who received methenolone enanthate, 12 developed dyslipidemia, which regressed upon discontinuation [4].

D. Anemia (Human anemia)

a. The acetate version has been used to treat anemia in women at 20 mg [5].

b. It caused cholestatic jaundice in some anemias at 1-2 mg/kg [6].


E. Human metabolism

a. In men, after a single dose of methenolone acetate, methenolone was produced in the urine for up to 90 hours post-dose, reaching 1.6% of the total oral dose.

b. Several other metabolites were found due to oxidation of the 17-hydroxyl group and reduction of the A-ring [7].

c. The major metabolite is 3alpha-hydroxy-1-methylene-5alpha-androstan-17-one, which can be detected in urine up to 5 days after a single ingestion of the drug [8].

d. Methenolone sulfate and other sulfated metabolites form a key component of methenolone metabolism in humans [9].

F. Vision

a. There is a U.S. special license for the use of methenolone or nandrolone to treat dry eye syndrome [10].


G. Erythropoiesis

a. Methenolone acetate has been shown to increase the erythropoietic activity of bone marrow cells by increasing the sensitivity or number of erythropoietic cells [11].

b. Compared to testosterone, oxymetholone, and metholone, methenolone had a greater erythropoietic effect than testosterone.
(although metolone produced the most) [12]. This indicates that the masculinizing and erythropoietic effects work through different mechanisms.

c. One study showed that halotestin (fluoxymesterone) and methenolone similarly increased hematopoiesis and blood iron absorption in rodents [13].


H. Bone development

a. Like other AAS, methenolone enanthate has been shown to increase bone development in growing female rodents and decrease it in male rodents [14].

b. It stops growth in young rodents [15].

c. In rodents, methenolone produced a favorable healing profile for fractured bones despite being less androgenic.
Initial calcium callus concentrations increased less than with testosterone, but later repair was similar [16].

d. Through the action of androgen receptors, DHT, fluoxymesterone (halotestin), and methenolone cause mitosis in bone cells in vitro, leading to bone cell division and proliferation [17].


I. Kidney Function

a. Even without improving muscle development, methenolone enanthate has been shown to increase kidney weight in growing male rodents [18].


J. Cardiac function

a. It has been shown to cause left ventricular hypertrophy in adolescent rodents, with more pronounced effects in female rodents [19].


Primobolan (also known as methenolone) is an anabolic steroid often used by bodybuilders and athletes to promote muscle growth and enhance athletic performance.
One of the unique features of Primobolan is its ability to reduce estrogen levels in the body.
In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the relationship between Primobolan and estrogen.

Estrogen is a hormone that is primarily produced by the ovaries in women and the testes in men.
In both sexes, estrogen plays an important role in regulating the menstrual cycle, bone density, and cholesterol levels.
However, high levels of estrogen can also cause undesirable side effects such as water retention, gynecomastia (enlarged breast tissue in men), and high blood pressure.

Anabolic steroids like Primobolan can affect estrogen levels in the body through their interaction with the aromatase enzyme.
Aromatase is an enzyme that converts androgens (such as testosterone) into estrogen.
Some steroids, such as testosterone, have a very strong aroma and are easily converted to estrogen.
This can lead to high estrogen levels and associated side effects.

In contrast, Primobolan has a low aromatization rate and is therefore less likely to convert to estrogen.
This is because it has a double bond between the first and second carbon atoms, which makes it more difficult for aromatase to convert to estrogen.
This is one of the reasons why Primobolan is often used by bodybuilders and athletes who want to avoid estrogen-related side effects.

In addition to its low aromatization rate, Primobolan also has anti-estrogenic effects.
It has been shown to bind to the estrogen receptor and block the activity of estrogen in the body.
This can help to reduce the risk of estrogen-related side effects as well as improve muscle hardness and definition.

However, it is important to note that Primobolan is still a powerful steroid that can have negative side effects if used improperly.
As with all steroids, it should only be used under the supervision of a licensed medical provider.
It is also important to follow a proper dosing protocol and monitor estrogen levels to avoid the risk of side effects.

In conclusion, Primobolan is a unique steroid with the ability to reduce estrogen levels in the body.
By reducing the risk of estrogen-related side effects, Primobolan can help bodybuilders and athletes achieve their goals of increased muscle mass and improved performance.
However, it is important to use this steroid responsibly and follow a proper dosing protocol to avoid the risk of negative side effects.



[1] marquardt, gh, logan, ce, tomhave, wg, & dowben, rm (1964). Failure of non-17-alkylated anabolic steroids to produce abnormal liver function tests. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism , 24(12), 1334-1336.

[2] Knöbel, H., & Becker, K. (1975). Effects of an anabolic steroid (methenolone enanthate) on intravascular and extravascular albumin pools in liver cirrhosis. Zeitschrift fur Gastroenterologie , 13 (6), 583-587.

[3] Notter, G. (1975). Treatment of disseminated carcinoma of the breast by methenolone enanthate. Acta Radiologica: Therapeutics, Physics, Biology , 14 (6), 545-551.

[4] Garbrecht, M., Lehmann, U., O'Brien, S., Stolzenbach, G., & Müllerleile, U. (1981). Hyperlipoproteinemia during additional methenolone administration in the treatment of metastatic carcinoma of the breast. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift (1946) , 106 (13), 400-403.

[5] Hamamoto, K., Ohno, T., & Ogawa, H. (1996). A case report of successful treatment of myelodysplastic syndrome with CREST syndrome with metenolone. [Rinsho ketsueki] Japanese Journal of Clinical Hematology , 37 (4), 362-365.

[6] Palva, I. P., & Wasastjerna, C. (1972). Treatment of aplastic anemia with methenolone. Acta haematologica , 47(1), 13-20.

[7] Goudreault, D., & Massé, R. (1990). Studies on anabolic steroids - 4. Identification of novel urinary metabolites of human methenolone acetate (primobolan®) by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , 37 (1), 137-154.

[8] Björkhem, I., & Ek, H. (1983). Detection and quantitation-mass spectrometry of 3α-hydroxy-1-methylene-5α-androstane-17-one, the major urinary metabolite of methenolone acetate (Primobolan®), by isotope dilution. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry , 18 (4), 481-487.

[9]Fragkaki, A. G., Angelis, Y. S., Kiousi, P., Georgakopoulos, C. G., & Lyris, E. (2015). Comparison of sulfo-bound and gluco-bound urinary metabolites for detection of methenolone misuse in doping control by LC-HRMS, GC-MS and GC-HRMS. Journal of Mass Spectrometry , 50 (5), 740-748.

[10] Endo, K., Fujii, S., & Oki, K. (2018). U.S. Patent Application No. 15/563,108 .

[11] Mori, M., Chiba, S., Suzuki, S., Kosaka, K., Miura, Y., & Takaku, F. (1974). Effect of methenolone acetate on erythropoietin-reactive cells in rat bone marrow. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications , 60 (1), 281-287.

[12]Duarte, L., Sánchez medal, L., Labardini, J., & Arriaga, L. (1967). Erythropoietic effects of anabolic steroids. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine , 125(4), 1030-1032.

[13] Hotta, T., Hirabayashi, N., Utsumi, M., & Yamada, H. (1978). Basic studies on the hematopoietic activating function of androgens. In vivo effects of fluoxymesterone and methenolone.

[14] Bozkurt, I., Pepe, K., Ozdemir, M., Ozdemir, O., & Coskun, A. (2011). Morphologic evaluation of the effect of methenolone enanthate on femur development in adolescent rats. Scientific Research and Essays , 6 (7), 1634-1638.

[15]ÖZDEMİR, M., & Sefa, L. Ö. K. (2019). Effects of Methenolone Enanthate Supplement with Exercise on Bone in Rats. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise , 21(2), 276-280.

[16] Frankle, M., & Borrelli, J. (1990). Effects of testosterone propionate and methenolone enanthate on humeral osteotomy healing in Wistar rats. Investigative Surgery , 3 (2), 93-113.

[17] Kasperk, CH, Wergedal, JE, Farley, JR, Linkhart, TA, & Turner, RT (1989). Androgens directly stimulate proliferation of bone cells in vitro. Endocrinology , 124 (3), 1576-1578.

[18]Holt, TL, Ward, LC, Thomas, BJ, Davey, JF, & Shepherd, RW (1990). Effects of an anabolic steroid, methenolone enanthate, on growth, body composition, and skeletal muscle protein synthesis in growing rats. Nutritional Research , 10 (5), 535-545.

[19] Ozdemir, O., Bozkurt, I., Ozdemir, M., & Yavuz, O. (2013). Adverse effects of methenolone enanthate on the adolescent rat heart: a morphometric study. Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology , 65 (6), 745-750.


2 years ago