Since T3 is a fat burner, the cytomel cycle is very straightforward and relatively simple.
As mentioned earlier, the slow upward adjustment of the T3 dose (dose increase) is only really necessary if you are new to T3 to assess tolerance to the compound, side effects, potential for muscle loss, and caloric gain due to increased metabolic rate.
In the same vein, slowly tapering down (dose reduction) your T3 dose after the end of a T3 cycle is not necessary at any point.
It is best to stop all medications immediately after the end of a cytomel cycle.
This is because the thyroid is a component of the endocrine system and is a proper endocrine organ and should be treated accordingly.
If thyroid hormone is still being administered despite the fact that the dose is slowly being tapered down, the thyroid has no reason to resume healthy operation as long as it senses that exogenous thyroid hormone is being administered.
Therefore, it is best to stop the dosing completely all at once at the end of the cytomel cycle, so that the drug is quickly cleared from the body and thyroid function can be restored more quickly.
Other fat burners such as beta agonists (e.g. clenbuterol and albuterol), ephedrine, human growth hormone (HGH), and even other thyroid hormones (e.g. T4) are included in a Cytomel cycle.
As mentioned earlier, the use of anabolic steroids in addition to a Cytomel cycle is very common in the athletic and bodybuilding world because T3 can and does cause muscle loss due to its tremendous anabolic effects.
T3 cycles often include anabolic steroids only when the T3 dose rises above a certain range (usually above 50 mcg in most cases).
After this point, muscle loss and catabolism can become a problem for the athlete or bodybuilder, at which point it may be necessary to include anabolic steroids to prevent muscle loss, which can be very detrimental to the athlete or bodybuilder.
There are also certain other compounds that should not be included in a T3 cycle as they can reduce the effectiveness of T3.
One of these compounds is L-carnitine, an amino acid supplement commonly found in many supplement stores around the world. The use of L-carnitine helps transport free fatty acids into the mitochondria of cells and increases fat loss through this pathway.
An unknown effect of L-carnitine use is that it disables an important function of T3 at the cellular level.
L-carnitine has been shown to be a peripheral antagonist of the action of thyroid hormone.
L-carnitine inhibits the entry of T3 (and thyroxine, T4) into the cell nucleus.
One particular clinical study showed that oral administration of 2 to 4 grams of L-carnitine reduced hyperthyroidism symptoms, even in the most severe form of hyperthyroidism, thyroid storm.[1][1
This study provides a rationale for using L-carnitine in the treatment of hyperthyroidism (or when an individual is taking too much T3) because hyperthyroidism worsens tissue deposition of carnitine.
Therefore, it is recommended that individuals who wish to participate in the cytomel cycle avoid the use of L-carnitine altogether.
Also, for T3 to work effectively, the body must have adequate levels of the hormone cortisol.
Many people have participated in cytomel cycles and found that they didn't see significant fat loss or temperature increases.
It's very important to understand that cortisol works in conjunction with T3 to initiate lipolysis (breakdown of fat) in the body.
Cortisol is responsible for driving T3 into the cells so that T3 can increase energy production and consumption.
Often, the effectiveness of T3 can be reduced by using cortisol blockers or cortisol-blocking supplements, or by taking other medications or hormones that inhibit the body's production of cortisol.
Some users who have been disappointed with their T3 cycles have experienced a dramatic increase in metabolism, thermogenesis, and overall effectiveness of T3 as a result of using hydrocortisone creams or supplements that can increase cortisol levels in the body (such as 5-HTP[2]).
One particularly important and prominent symptom of low or insufficient cortisol levels during T3 use is extreme lethargy.
In this case, the use of hydrocortisone cream at 5 to 10 grams per day can alleviate the problem.
Sample Cytomel Cycle #1 (total cycle time 12 weeks)
1- 12weeks |
- Testosterone Enanthate 300mg /week
- Trenbolone Enanthate 400mg /week |
1- 8weeks |
-Cytomel (T3) 75 - 100mcg /day |
Sample T3 Cycle #2 (total cycle time 8 weeks)
1- 12weeks |
- Testosterone Propionate 100mg /week (25mg every other day)
- Trenbolone Acetate 200mg /week (50mg every other day) |
1- 8weeks |
- Clenbuterol 120mcg /day
- Ketotifen every second week of Clenbuterol use at 2mg /day
- Cytomel (T3) at 100mcg /day |
Sample Cytomel Cycle #3 (total cycle time 8 weeks)
1- 12주 |
- Testosterone Propionate 100mg /week (25mg every other day)
- Trenbolone Acetate 200mg /week (50mg every other day)
- Drostanolone Propionate 400mg /week (100mg every other day) |
1- 2 5- 6 weeks 8+ |
- Cytomel (T3) 100mcg /day
- Clenbuterol 120 mcg /day |
Cytomel (T3) References:
[1] Effects of Carnitine on Thyroid Hormone Action. Benvenga, Salvatore; et al (2004). Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1033 (1033): 158–167. doi:10.1196/annals.1320.015. PMID 15591013.
[2] The cortisol responses to 5-hydroxytryptophan, orally, in depressive inpatients. Maes M, De Ruyter M, Claes R, Bosma G, Suy E. J Affect Disord. 1987 Jul-Aug;13(1):23-30.