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Albuterol Cycle

Albuterol Cycle

Albuterol Cycle

Other than that, the primary use of albuterol is for fat loss.

Since the issue of beta-2 receptor down-regulation was addressed in the albuterol dosage portion of this profile, it is important to emphasize that albuterol cycles can be done in one of two ways: a 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off protocol, or continuous albuterol use with no breaks for 8 weeks or more if ketotifen fumarate is used at least once every 2 weeks (or when fat loss begins to slow) with the goal of beta-2 receptor up-regulation.

Typically, once beta-2 receptor downregulation becomes significant, body temperature (which typically rises above baseline while using albuterol) will return to baseline, indicating a slowdown in metabolism.

Albuterol cycles should not be run for more than 3 to 4 months total if the user is taking periodic breaks (e.g. 2 weeks on / 2 weeks off protocol) or for more than 8 to 10 weeks of continuous uninterrupted use.

Albuterol is commonly used in combination with anabolic steroids to enhance fat loss and anabolic effects, and as such, it is typically used in conjunction with anabolic steroids used to promote fat loss and/or muscle gain rather than as a bulking compound.

Examples include Winstrol (stanozolol), Trenbolone, Masteron (drostanolone), Anavar (oxandrolone), Primobolan (methenolone), Turinabol (chlorohydromethyltestosterone), and others.

These compounds promote lean body mass without the risk of bloating or fat gain due to estrogenic side effects.

While albuterol cycles can and often are used in conjunction with other fat loss compounds such as T3 (triiodothyronine) and human growth hormone, they should not be stacked with other stimulant based fat loss compounds such as clenbuterol or ephedrine.

This is due to the compounding effects these stimulants have on the body.

Stacking stimulant-based fat loss compounds should be avoided at all costs as they can negatively affect the cardiovascular system as well as put undue stress on the central nervous system.

Albuterol Cycle Examples

Sample Albuterol Cycle #1 (12 weeks total cycle time)

1- 12weeks

- Testosterone Enanthate

 300mg /week


- Trenbolone Enanthate

 400mg /week

 1- 8weeks

- Albuterol

 24mg /day


-Ketotifen every second week of Albuterol use at 2mg/day

This first albuterol cycle example shows how to use ketotifen to maintain beta-2 receptor upregulation for the entire cycle.

This allows you to maintain a consistent albuterol cycle for 8 weeks without having to stop using albuterol, take a break, and then resume use after the break.

Testosterone and Trenbolone are the anabolic steroids of choice, with Trenbolone being very well known for its powerful nutrient splitting effects, which in itself accelerates fat loss.

Sample Albuterol Cycle #2 (8 weeks total cycle time)

1- 8weeks

- Testosterone Propionate

 100mg /week

(25mg every other day)


- Trenbolone Acetate

 200mg /week

(50mg every other day)

 1- 8weeks

- Turinabol 80mg /day


- Albuterol 24mg /day


- Ketotifen every second week of Albuterol use at 2mg/day

For the second cycle of albuterol, an oral anabolic steroid is added.

In this case, the oral anabolic steroid is Turinabol (chlorodihydromethyltestosterone), which has been known to produce decent fat loss via nutrient partitioning in calorie deficit.

The injectable compounds selected have the common trait of being short ester anabolic steroids, which gives the user the ability to run shorter cycles, usually in sync with the cycle length limitations of albuterol.

This can be compared to Albuterol cycle example #1, which utilizes a longer ester compound, and cannot be perfectly synchronized with the same duration of use as Albuterol.

Sample Albuterol Cycle #3 (8 weeks total cycle time)

1- 8weeks

- Testosterone Propionate

 100mg /week

(25mg every other day)


- Nandrolone Phenylpropionate

 400mg /week

(100mg every other day)


- Winstrol (injectable)

 400mg /week

(100mg every other day)


- T3     75- 100mcg /day

 1- 2

5- 6  weeks


- Albuterol

 24mg /day

In this example albuterol cycle, we have introduced an additional fat loss compound, T3, and eliminated the use of ketotifen to demonstrate how to run an albuterol cycle without ketotifen to modulate beta-2 receptors.

Without ketotifen available to modulate the beta-2 receptor, albuterol can only be administered every two weeks as described above.

After two weeks of consistent albuterol use, stop using albuterol for two weeks and resume use after a two-week break.

Following this method of use, albuterol can be used for more than 8 weeks (as indicated by the 8+ in the number of weeks of use).

This is a testament to the fact that while all other compounds stop use at the 8 week mark, albuterol can actually continue to be used in this manner throughout the PCT and beyond.

Some people prefer to use albuterol in this manner because the slight anabolic effects of albuterol can help maintain muscle mass during the PCT period.

1 month ago