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Clenbuterol Dosage

Clenbuterol Dosage
Posted in: INFO.ORAL

Clenbuterol Dosage

Because of its focus on fat burning properties, clenbuterol doesn't have a wide variety of uses, and this should be kept in mind when clenbuterol dosage is your main focus.

That said, clenbuterol does have a wide range of applications where it is used to treat a variety of medical conditions (asthma treatment being the primary use).

In the physique/performance enhancement arena, most individuals looking to use clenbuterol are focused on fat loss.

Therefore, in the bodybuilding and athletic world, clenbuterol is used almost exclusively as a fat loss agent.

Because of this, it is rare to see Clenbuterol used in conjunction with a bulking up phase/cycle, but it does happen.

The main reason individuals use clenbuterol during a bulking phase/cycle is to take advantage of its fat loss properties and to keep fat gain relatively minimal while the user is in a caloric surplus for bulking.

While this type of clenbuterol use does occur, it is very rare.

It is much more common for Clenbuterol to be used in a fat loss phase/cycle where the user is trying to 'cut' and gain weight, where the user is in a caloric deficit to amplify fat loss and accelerate overall fat metabolism.

Clenbuterol can be used in this manner with very effective results.

Compared to using Clenbuterol during a bulking phase, it seems more wasteful to use Clenbuterol during a bulking phase.

Clenbuterol dosages are measured in micrograms (mcg) rather than milligrams (mg) as is common with many performance enhancing drugs.

It is important to recognize this difference for those unfamiliar with chemistry and dosing instructions and measurements.

Individuals who are not educated in this matter can easily put themselves in danger, and potentially even death, if they attempt to measure their clenbuterol dosage in mg rather than mcg.

Actual Clenbuterol Dosage

When used for medical conditions such as asthma, clenbuterol dosages ranging from 20 to 40 mcg daily are the current medical prescribing guidelines.

When specifying a medical clenbuterol dosage protocol, it is important to indicate how low the medical dosage is in comparison to the clenbuterol dosage needed to induce fat loss.

The importance of this realization is that due to the fact that clenbuterol is a sympathomimetic, increasing the clenbuterol dosage rapidly or administering the full maximum dose immediately can be very uncomfortable and even fatal to the user.

Therefore, it is strongly recommended that individuals increase their clenbuterol dosage steadily and gradually over a period of several days, slowly building up to their desired maximum dose.

The optimal comfortable dose for one person may not be the same for another.

Clen is most often taken in 20 mcg tablets (although 40 mcg, 50 mcg, and even 100 mcg tablets are also available on the market), but for the sake of simplicity, we will assume that all examples in this profile use 20 mg tablets.

An individual's maximum fat-burning capacity is typically in the range of 120 to 160 mcg daily.

However, for the safety reasons mentioned above, you won't start with this dose right away.

Instead, you'll take 20 to 40 mcg on the first day and add 20 mcg every three days.

There are some people who have a lower sensitivity to clenbuterol (and most stimulants), and these individuals may be able to increase their doses more quickly (e.g. every other day instead of every 3 days as listed).

Conversely, if you are hypersensitive to clenbuterol and related stimulants, you may need to increase your clenbuterol dose slowly and gradually.

Once again, depending on the individual's tolerance and sensitivity to stimulants and clenbuterol, the maximum clenbuterol dosage for fat loss should eventually be in the range of 120 to 160 mcg daily.

Individuals should not exceed 160 mcg daily due to increased health risks.

Slowly over time, the body should become accustomed to the nootropic effects of this compound.

Outline of a proper ramp-up dosing protocol:

Clenbuterol maximum dose: 120 mcg/day

- Day 1: 40 mcg/day

- Day 3: 60 mcg/day

- Day 6: 80 mcg/day

- Day 9: 100 mcg/day

- Day 12: 120 mcg/day

So the user now maintains 120 mcg per day for a 2-4 week cycle (or a full 8 week cycle if using ketotifen every 2 weeks).


The fat burning effects from Clenbuterol should be maintained for approximately 4-6 weeks before beta-2 receptor down-regulation kicks in and becomes noticeable.

Some individuals may experience these effects in as little as two to three weeks (again, this time frame depends on the individual's response, genetics, age, etc.).

At the point of receptor down-regulation, users should stop using clenbuterol for at least two weeks to allow the beta-2 receptors to up-regulate before resuming drug use.

The second and more commonly preferred option is to use ketotifen fumarate, an antihistamine that has been shown in studies to upregulate beta-2 receptors.

The main benefit of using ketotifen for receptor upregulation is that you can continue using clenbuterol without having to take a two-week break.

This is very important for those who cannot afford to stop using clenbuterol periodically, but still need to upregulate their B2 receptors.

Ketotifen can be used effectively when taken at a dose of 2 mg daily (preferably at night before bedtime) for 7 days starting in the second week of clenbuterol use.

However, it is very important that the total duration of clenbuterol use does not exceed 8 weeks due to stressors and physical side effects, which we will discuss in more detail later.

Clenbuterol Dosage for Women

In most cases, women's response to the effects of clenbuterol is exactly the same as men's.

The only major difference in clenbuterol dosage for women is the difference in body weight and mass.

Women tend to be smaller in overall size, weight, and body mass than men, so they tend to be more sensitive to clenbuterol doses.

Therefore, women should use a slow dose increase protocol just like men.

The maximum effective dose for most women should be in the range of around 80 - 100 mcg daily, which is very common.

While many women have reported tolerating doses as high as 120 mcg daily, the general thing to remember with clenbuterol is that it is not a set protocol and each individual has a different tolerance to the effects of stimulants.

Therefore, a steadily increasing dose protocol is the best way to determine an individual's optimal dose as it allows the individual to slowly assess their tolerance and measure the drug's effects on their system to determine the optimal highest dose.

Stopping taking clenbuterol

Many people claim that when you stop taking clenbuterol, you should always taper down (as opposed to ramping up).

This essentially comes down to personal preference.

Many people have successfully stopped using clenbuterol without any side effects without reducing their dosage, while others claim to have experienced a sort of 'stimulant crash' when stopping clenbuterol abruptly and prefer to taper their clenbuterol dosage instead.

Individuals who choose to stop clenbuterol abruptly without tapering do not claim to have experienced this 'stimulant crash', so it can be assumed that the method of ending a clenbuterol cycle is a personal preference based on personal experience.

If an individual wishes to reduce their dosage, it is recommended that they proceed in exactly the same manner as the ramp-up protocol, but in reverse.

5 months ago