Clenbuterol Dosage Cycle
Clenbuterol cycles are for the most part very simple and straightforward.
It doesn't matter if the user is a beginner, intermediate or advanced, the way they cycle clenbuterol usually remains the same.
The reason for this is that clenbuterol is not an anabolic steroid, but a stimulant, a sympathomimetic fat burner.
For this reason, its almost sole purpose is fat metabolism.
Although it is a stimulant, this stimulant effect is not as favored as its fat burning properties.
The reason for this is that the stimulant effects of clenbuterol (i.e. energy and alertness) are not as noticeable or effective as other stimulants such as ephedrine.
Instead, Clenbuterol's primary purpose is as a fat loss compound, and Clen cycle should be treated as such.
Clenbuterol can be stacked with other compounds, typically anabolic steroids, to enhance fat loss effects by combining it with the nutrient splitting ability of anabolic steroids.
Other compounds commonly stacked in a Clenbuterol cycle include Triiodothyronine (T3), a substance commonly used in conjunction with Clenbuterol.
T3 is a synthetic thyroid hormone, and T4, a different type of thyroid hormone that is synthesized in the liver and ultimately converted to T3, is also a drug that commonly stacks with clenbuterol.
T3 and T4 are very powerful fat loss compounds on their own, and when combined with Clen, they can induce dramatic fat loss in many people.
While these two compounds are powerful fat loss agents, they are not covered in this profile.
Individuals looking to run a clenbuterol cycle using anabolic steroids will typically be seen stacking clenbuterol with certain anabolic steroids that are known to be very well suited for 'cutting' cycles and fat loss periods.
The point of this practice is that certain anabolic steroids that do not promote water retention or fat retention/gain (as a result of estrogenic activity) will impart a 'hardness' to the physique that is perfect for fat loss phases.
Typical anabolic steroids of this type that are commonly used in conjunction with clenbuterol include Tren, Winstrol, Masteron, Anavar, Turinabol, Primobolan, and Testosterone (which for all intents and purposes should serve as the base compound of any cycle).
What you see here is the most common sample of a Clen cycle, and what is typically stacked with Clenbuterol in a given cycle.
As mentioned earlier, the important thing to remember is that in all of the clenbuterol cycle examples listed below, it is assumed that all users will gradually increase their clenbuterol dosage, eventually reaching the highest dose listed.
Sample Clenbuterol Cycle #1 (12 weeks total cycle time)
1- 12weeks |
- Testosterone Enanthate 300mg /week
- Trenbolone Enanthate 400mg /week |
1- 8weeks |
- 클렌부테롤 120mcg /day
-Every second week of clenbuterol use Ketotifen 2mg /day |
This clenbuterol cycle example listed at the beginning is for a basic end of use point, in this case the general idea of using ketotifen to maintain beta-2 receptor upregulation.
This allows the user to use clenbuterol continuously for 8 weeks without having to stop, take a break, and start again.
Testosterone and Trenbolone are the anabolic steroids of choice in this cycle, with Trenbolone being very notable for its powerful nutrient splitting effects.
This allows you to lose more fat in the cycle.
Sample Clenbuterol Cycle #2 (total cycle time 8 weeks)
1- 8weeks |
- Testosterone Propionate 100mg /week (25mg every other day)
- Trenbolone Acetate 200mg /week (50mg every other day) |
1- 8weeks |
- Anavar 80mg /day
- Clenbuterol 120mcg /day
- Ketotifen every second week of Clenbuterol use at 2mg/day |
This Sample Clenbuterol Cycle #2 contains oral anabolic steroids in its stack.
In this case, the oral anabolic steroid is Anavar, a popular compound known for its powerful effects on fat loss during caloric deficit (mostly due to nutrient partitioning).
The injectable compounds chosen have the common trait of being short ester anabolic steroids, which gives the user the ability to run short cycles that are consistent with the cycle limits of clenbuterol.
This can be compared to Clen Cycle Example #1, which utilizes a longer ester compound and cannot be run in the same time frame as Clenbuterol.
The shorter ester compounds run in cycles like this are some of the most commonly run cycles due to the precise cutting phases that bodybuilders enjoy running.
This is why the shorter ester compounds may be more compatible with this preference.
Sample Clenbuterol cycle #3 (8 weeks total cycle time)
1- 8주 |
- Testosterone Propionate 100mg /week (25mg every other day)
- Trenbolone Acetate 200mg /week (50mg every other day)
- Masteron 400mg /week (100mg every other day)
- T3 90mcg /day |
1- 2 5- 6 Weeks 8+ |
-Clenbuterol 120mcg /day |
This sample clenbuterol cycle should be considered an advanced clenbuterol cycle.
This is mainly due to the inclusion of T3.
The difference between this clenbuterol cycle and the previous two cycles is the removal of ketotifen.
This course was chosen for this cycle to show how clenbuterol can be cycled for someone who does not have access to ketotifen for any reason.
If you are unable to use ketotifen for B2 receptor upregulation for any reason, clenbuterol can be run every 2 weeks as above.
After 2 weeks of continuous use, stop using clenbuterol for a 2-week break, then resume use after a 2-week break period.
It is important to note the clear indication that Clenbuterol can be taken for more than 8 weeks (labeled 8+ as above).
This is to inform all individuals wishing to use Clen that while all other compounds are discontinued after 8 weeks, clenbuterol can continue to be used in this manner throughout the PCT period and beyond.
However, it is important to ensure that the total duration of Clenbuterol use does not exceed 8 weeks.
After 8 weeks of use, it is strongly recommended that users take an extended break of several months before resuming Clenbuterol use.
Clenbuterol Cycles with T3 and Other Compounds
As you can see in the sample Clenbuterol cycle #2, T3 is an additional fat burner used in conjunction with Clenbuterol.
This is a well-known and fairly common practice.
While not fully recommended due to the catabolic effects of T3, it is a practice that many female users in particular engage in regularly, it is also a practice that is done without the use of anabolic steroids in conjunction.
Basically, it all depends on each individual's goals and priorities, as T3 can lead to significant muscle loss without the inclusion of anabolic steroids.
Women tend to use T3 without stacking with anabolic steroids, and the reason for this mindset is that most female users are not as concerned with maintaining muscle mass as male users.
The inclusion of T3 and/or T4 in a Clenbuterol cycle, especially in conjunction with anabolic steroids, can lead to very dramatic thermogenic fat loss.
One final compound added to clenbuterol is human growth hormone (HGH).
HGH is a hormone known for its powerful nutrient partitioning effects and ability to shift the body's metabolism to favor fat over carbohydrates as a primary fuel source.
HGH stacked with Clen (and/or T3) is known to produce some of the most dramatic fat loss results in a short period of time.
It's a staple used by professional bodybuilders, and you can expect much the same results if you adjust your personal nutrition, diet, and training accordingly.