Growth Hormone Cycles
As mentioned earlier, human growth hormone is often used in conjunction with anabolic steroids due to the synergistic effects of these hormones.
Human growth hormone and anabolic steroids support each other in a variety of direct and indirect pathways in the body to maximize the potential for muscle growth and/or fat loss in a given cycle.
In addition, human growth hormone cycles typically include stacks with other types of compounds such as insulin and T3 (thyroid hormone), which were covered in the previous section of this profile.
Athletes and bodybuilders considering the use of HGH should be aware that it is an advanced compound best suited for advanced anabolic steroid users, athletes and bodybuilders.
Top-level athletes and anabolic steroid users often find that they have reached a “dead end” in terms of advancing their athletic performance.
With the training and nutrition aspects as perfect as possible and all the results of using other anabolic steroids slowly coming to a halt, advanced athletes need to find a more promising way out of this dead end.
This 'dead end' is often caused by the fact that the individual's development has progressed to the point where they have reached their genetic potential (the limit of the maximum muscle mass and strength that the human body can tolerate based on the individual's genetic characteristics).
To overcome this, the use of growth hormone cycles provides an exciting opportunity for athletes who have 'reached their limit' to push the envelope through hyperplasia (the growth of new muscle cells rather than the enlargement of existing ones).
The use of human growth hormone and IGF-1 in combination with anabolic steroids is believed to be a major reason why top-level professional bodybuilders suddenly appeared in the late 1980s and early 1990s, looking 'freakishly' huge and 'ripped' compared to bodybuilders of the 1980s and earlier.
The length and execution of a growth hormone cycle is highly dependent on your goals, as well as what other compounds you are stacking and utilizing with human growth hormone.
For example, a growth hormone cycle utilizing human growth hormone alone will always be a much longer cycle than one utilizing anabolic steroids.
Just as we can't pinpoint specific dosages for the three tiers of users (beginner, intermediate, and advanced), the same is true for GH cycles.
Therefore, we will discuss cycles here in terms of goals, not in terms of the three user tiers.
Also, all readers should understand that human growth hormone is an advanced compound to begin with.
Human Growth Hormone Cycles As Defined By Goals and Types of Use
4~6months |
- HGH 4 - 6IU /day |
This cycle is the most basic GH cycle because it uses a moderate dose and allows HGH to act on its own without any other compounds.
Therefore, muscle mass gains and strength gains are usually not noticeable until at least 3-4 months into the cycle.
Although anabolic effects will slowly begin to appear, they will not be as dramatic as with an anabolic steroid cycle.
So if fat loss is your primary goal, a dose of 4-6 IU per day will give you moderate but steady fat loss at the lower end of the dose range, and more dramatic (but still steady) fat loss at the higher end.
Human Growth Hormone Cycle Stack (4-6 month cycle length)
1~6Months |
- HGH 4 - 6IU /day |
3~6Months |
-Testosterone Cypionate 400mg /week - Trenbolone Enanthate 400mg /week |
This is considered a solid cycle for individuals who want to experience the full effects of fat loss and muscle gain with dramatic results.
Both Testosterone Cypionate and Trenbolone Enanthate are long acting anabolic steroids and are therefore best suited for longer cycles (in this case the goal is a 3 month or 12 week cycle respectively).
You may have noticed that anabolic steroids are not inserted into HGH cycles until later in the cycle (after 3 months of human growth hormone use).
This is because the nature of human growth hormone is that its effects in the body are very slow and steady, and it takes about 3 months of consistent use to 'kick in' or show noticeable effects.
Ideally, a potential user would want to be absolutely certain that the effects of human growth hormone have reached their maximum and that its potency will help them experience explosive amounts of intense muscle growth before adding anabolic steroids.
The anabolic steroid trenbolone, in particular, is an excellent addition to human growth hormone, not only because of its powerful nutrient splitting effects, but also because trenbolone is known to significantly increase IGF-1 levels, which works in conjunction with the effects of human growth hormone.
These stacks and cycles should generally prove to be excellent fat loss and muscle building cycles (especially once the introduction of anabolic steroids begins).
Human Growth Hormone Cycle Stack (cycle length 4-6 months)
1~6Months |
- HGH 4 - 6IU /day |
3~6Months |
- Testosterone Cypionate 100mg /week - Trenbolone Enanthate 400mg /week |
5~6개월 |
- 아나바 80mg /일 - T3 75mcg /일 |
This particular GH cycle is almost identical to the previous one, but it is a cycle that is specifically favorable for fat loss only.
It is also a cycle that can be utilized as a pre-competition stack as it provides a very lean and hard physique that is favorable for competition.
Testosterone has been reduced to a TRT dose of 100mg weekly to maintain normal physiological function of testosterone in the presence of suppressed endogenous testosterone levels due to anabolic steroid use.
This TRT dose of testosterone also serves to regulate estrogen levels, eliminating the possibility of estrogen-related bloating, which is an undesirable soft, bloated physique appearance during fat loss periods or pre-contest periods.
T3 is added to the cycle during the final month to maximize fat loss and reduce body fat percentage to its absolute lowest level.