Parabolan Side Effects
We have mentioned several times throughout this profile that Parabolan is by no means an entry-level anabolic steroid, and this is due to the fact that it is a long acting variant of trenbolone with a hexahydrobenzylcarbonate ester attached.
This ester gives trenbolone a half-life of 14 days, which means that plasma levels rise slowly over time and remain constant thereafter, which also means that Parabolan has a much longer elimination time before the hormone is completely gone from the body.
This makes a lot of sense for parabolan side effects, especially considering that trenbolone is already considered a slightly harsher and more serious anabolic steroid in the side effects department.
With regards to side effects, Trenbolone has most of the typical side effects associated with all anabolic steroids.
However, there are also a few side effects that are unique to this compound itself.
These include coughing during or shortly after injection (aka 'tren cough'), excessive sweating/sweating (especially at night), insomnia (aka 'tren insomnia'), a significant increase in aggression and mood, and progestogenic side effects.
For a more complete and detailed description of all of these unique side effects caused by trenbolone, please refer to the trenbolone side effects section.
Parabolan side effects share all of these side effects in that it is indeed a trenbolone product, and the long acting nature of Parabolan requires a more cautious and diligent approach.
Because Parabolan is a very long acting variant of trenbolone, more users are drawn to the faster acting trenbolone (trenbolone acetate) when side effects are a concern.
This is because trenbolone acetate is cleared from the body quickly, and because the side effects that are characteristic of trenbolone can be very uncomfortable for many users, utilizing a faster acting form of trenbolone can be attractive if the side effects become too much to bear.
In these situations, the 'burn' can be stopped very quickly.
With Parabolan, it takes almost 30 days for the hormone to be completely cleared from the body, so undesirable side effects can linger for much longer after the last injection.
Estrogenic side effects
Parabolan side effects do not directly include estrogenic side effects, as trenbolone itself cannot aromatize into estrogen at any dose.
Estrogenic side effects seen during a Parabolan cycle are more likely to be caused by the use of other aromatizing anabolic steroids used in conjunction with Parabolan.
However, it is very important to note that trenbolone exhibits a greater affinity for the progesterone receptor in the body than progesterone itself and exhibits significant progestogenic activity in the body[1][2].
It is well known that progesterone receptors and estrogen receptors are closely correlated in the body, and that activation of progesterone receptors can and does result in increased sensitivity and upregulation of estrogen receptors.
Therefore, estrogen-related side effects may occur while using Parabolan in an environment where estrogen levels are within the normal (or near normal) range, only because the sensitivity of the estrogen receptors to circulating estrogen is upregulated.
The sensitivity of this phenomenon appears to vary between individuals.
The use of selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) such as Nolvadex (tamoxifen) and aromatase inhibitors (AIs) such as Aromasin (exemestane) may be able to alleviate this problem and prevent the development of gynecomastia or other estrogen-related side effects.
Progestogenic side effects, which are nearly identical to estrogenic side effects such as gynecomastia, bloating, water retention, etc. are known to be more problematic and more commonly experienced when using trenbolone in a high estrogen environment.
For more in-depth and detailed information on the interaction between progesterone and estrogen, please refer to the Trenbolone Profile and Trenbolone Side Effects subsections.
Androgenic Side Effects
Since trenbolone is a very potent androgen (5 times that of testosterone), parabolan side effects do indeed include androgenic side effects.
In fact, androgenic side effects can be a serious problem when Parabolan is used in high doses.
Androgenic side effects include increased sebum secretion (oily skin), increased acne breakouts (associated with increased sebum secretion), increased body and facial hair growth, and an increased risk of developing benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and male pattern baldness (MPB) (in those who have the genetic traits necessary to develop these conditions).
Because trenbolone is not metabolized into a stronger androgen like testosterone, the relative androgenicity caused by trenbolone does not change and the androgenic strength expressed from the use of Parabolan is generally expected to be average.
Because 5-alpha reductase (5AR) does not metabolize trenbolone into a more potent androgen, 5AR inhibitors such as Proscar, Finasteride, or Propecia do not play a role in reducing the androgenic strength or effects of Parabolan.[3] In particular, the androgenic effects of trenbolone can be expected to be average.
Increased aggression, loss of patience, anger, and possible mood swings are commonly discussed or experienced as Parabolan side effects, especially in relation to the androgenic effects of trenbolone.
It is very important for any individual deciding whether or not to use Parabolan to recognize that anyone with problems with temper, anger, or patience in general should make a responsible decision and avoid the use of Parabolan (or any trenbolone product).
The other possibility is for the individual to exercise proper self-control when their anger, temper, or patience is at its peak.
If an individual is well aware of the potential effects of a very potent compound like Parabolan, but loses control in a fit of rage and ends up in trouble, it would be irresponsible to blame the anabolic steroid instead of blaming themselves for their lack of self-control.
While not everyone develops irritability and anger from trenbolone use, some do, and it's best to be aware of the potential effects in advance.
HPTA and Endogenous Testosterone Production Side Effects
It is a general rule with all anabolic steroids that when administered in excess of physiologic doses, endogenous testosterone and HPTA (hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis) production and function will be disrupted or at least severely suppressed for the duration of use.
After completing an anabolic steroid cycle, a compound that stimulates testosterone production should be used for 4-6 weeks.
These include compounds such as HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), SERMs such as Nolvadex (tamoxifen), and/or aromatase inhibitors.
The combination of compounds taken for four to six weeks after the end of an anabolic steroid cycle is known as post cycle therapy (PCT) and is essential to restore normal hormonal function.
Without the help of a PCT protocol, the body may not fully or properly recover, resulting in insufficient endogenous testosterone production (more accurately known as hypogonadism).
As for parabolan side effects, trenbolone in particular was found to be very highly gonadotropin suppressive in early tests conducted by Roussel-Yukleff when it was launched in 1967, with a strength of about three times that of testosterone, comparing mg to mg.
Hepatotoxic side effects
As an injectable compound, Parabolan is a C17-alpha alkylated (C17AA) variant of trenbolone, which means it does not exhibit significant hepatotoxicity (liver toxicity).
However, trenbolone itself is very resistant to metabolism in the body, including metabolism in the liver.
That's why severe hepatotoxicity (cholestasis) has been known to occur in some bodybuilders who have overdosed on trenbolone[4].
While the likelihood of developing severe liver toxicity from trenbolone use is very low, it should be made clear that the possibility still exists (especially with high doses).
Cardiovascular Side Effects
All anabolic steroids have negative cardiovascular side effects such as vascular reactivity (hardening of the blood vessels), increased blood pressure, increased hematocrit levels, and most seriously, changes in cholesterol levels.
Anabolic steroids tend to temporarily decrease HDL, the good cholesterol, and in many cases temporarily increase LDL, the bad cholesterol.
These changes can affect the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, especially the longer a user takes anabolic steroids.
Injectable anabolic steroids have the least impact, while oral anabolic steroids tend to be the worst because of the route of administration and the effects on the liver, the body's cholesterol processing center.
Parabolan, an injectable anabolic steroid, has a much lesser effect on cholesterol levels than oral anabolic steroids, but may have a greater negative impact on cholesterol levels than most injectables because of its increased resistance to metabolism in the body.
Cholesterol levels tend to return to normal quickly once anabolic steroid use is discontinued, and it is highly recommended that anabolic steroid users follow a clean diet along with supplementation with healthy omega-3 fats to maintain healthy HDL cholesterol levels.
The use of cardiovascular support supplements is also recommended.
Parabolan References
[1] Characterization of the affinity of various anabolic agents and synthetic hormones for the human androgen receptor, human sex hormone binding globulin, and bovine progestin receptor. Bauer, Meyer et al. Acta Pathol Microbiollmunol Scand Suppl 108 (2000):838-46.
[2] Unique steroid homologs for receptor studies. Ozasu, Reino. Cancer Research 38 (1978): 4186-98.
[3] Disposition of 17 beta-trenbolone in humans. Spranger, Metzler. J Chromatography 564 (1991 ):485-92.
[4] Cholestasis induced by parabolan successfully treated with a molecular sorbent recirculation system. Anand JS et al. ASAIO 2006. JanFeb;52(1 ):117-8.