Parabolan Dosage
Parabolan (trenbolone hexahydrobenzyl carbonate) is one of those anabolic steroids where the proper Parabolan dosage needs to be clearly explained and properly emphasized.
Trenbolone itself is a very powerful anabolic steroid, not only in terms of its potential anabolic activity in muscle tissue, but also in terms of side effects and the dosage required to experience various side effects.
However, there is an underlying benefit to using such a powerful anabolic steroid.
This particular benefit is often unrecognized and overlooked in the bodybuilding and athletic community.
First of all, the properties of the compound itself must be properly analyzed and interpreted when determining the appropriate Parabolan dosage to use.
Often times, the anabolic steroid community will suggest arbitrary dosages without rhyme, reason, or justification.
Very often, dosage recommendations such as “400mg per week of compound X” or “500mg per week of compound Y” are given without any logical explanation as to why.
To briefly summarize the properties of Parabolan (Tren Hex), it is an anabolic steroid that is five times more potent than testosterone and does not have the ability to convert to estrogen.
Testosterone is utilized as a measuring stick to determine the relative strengths and weaknesses of all other anabolic steroids.
This is because testosterone is the father of all anabolic steroids and is the best anabolic steroid produced naturally and endogenously within the human body.
In a side-by-side comparison, trenbolone has an androgen:anabolic ratio of 500:500, while testosterone has an androgen:anabolic ratio of 100:100, respectively.
It's easy to see the greater strength and binding affinity of trenbolone to the different receptors compared to testosterone.
While measuring the ability of an anabolic steroid to bind to the androgen receptor is not the be-all and end-all of a hormone's anabolic ability, it is certainly a very influential determinant.
With this established, it's important to emphasize that in order to (theoretically) achieve the effects of 200mg of trenbolone, you would need to administer 1,000mg of testosterone.
To achieve the effects of 500mg of trenbolone, you would need to administer 2,500mg of testosterone.
To achieve the effects of 1,000mg of trenbolone, you would need to administer 5,000mg of testosterone.
By comparing these numbers, it's easy to see the proper Parabolan dosage needed to make progress.
This should be kept in mind for further explanation shortly.
Medical Parabolan Dosage
Since Parabolan for human pharmaceutical use is formulated at a concentration of 76mg/ml in a 1.5ml ampoule, the clinical and medical Parabolan dosage is 3 ampoules per month.
This can be summarized as the equivalent of 684 mg of trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate per month.
However, the medical guidelines specifically state how it should be administered in a certain way. Patients receiving Parabolan would receive all three ampoules of the drug for the first 15 days of treatment. After that, the Parabolan dose would be reduced to a 1 ml injection (76 mg) administered every 10 days.
Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Parabolan Dosages
As discussed earlier, when determining the proper Parabolan dosage for athletic performance and physique enhancement, you should always consider the compound's characteristics, properties, and strengths.
As such, these characteristics will determine how much Parabolan should be used by most users in general.
User types can be categorized into three classes: beginner, intermediate, and advanced.
However, Parabolan is considered an intermediate to advanced level anabolic steroid, which means that it is hardly suitable for beginners or those who are new to the world of anabolic steroids.
Therefore, Parabolan users should be individuals who have enough experience and cycle experience to confidently use a powerful anabolic steroid like Parabolan.
It should also be noted that the definition of an advanced anabolic steroid user is not always an individual who uses absurdly high doses
While this may be a characteristic, it is not the rule.
Beginner Parabolan doses typically range from 152 to 220mg per week, and can range from half an ampoule to a full ampoule per week.
These doses, especially when used in conjunction with a proper diet and training regimen, can result in impressive physique and performance changes, especially for those new to Parabolan.
Intermediate users can see great results with the same Parabolan dosage as beginners, but can take anywhere from 228 to 456 mg per week, which is equivalent to two ampoules per week.
Experienced users have been known to take over 500mg per week, but this level of Parabolan dosage is rarely necessary given the strength of Trenbolone.
Since Parabolan is such a powerful hormone, excessive doses are not necessary even for intermediate and advanced users, who in most cases can still make great progress within the beginner Parabolan dosage range.
With a compound as powerful as Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate, less is often more when it comes to dosage.
Female Parabolan Dosage
Medically speaking, the female prescription guidelines for Parabolan are the same as the general medical Parabolan dosage described above.
However, it is at the discretion of your doctor, and female parabolan doses are often much lower on a patient-by-patient, case-by-case basis.
Parabolan is not recommended for women seeking to improve their athletic performance and physique due to the very high levels of androgenic hormones and the risk of developing masculinization symptoms as a result.
Proper dosage and timing of Parabolan
Since Parabolan is trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate, it is a long-acting variant of trenbolone with a half-life of 14 days.
As such, Parabolan is ideally administered twice a week, with each dose evenly spaced out.
For example, if an individual wishes to use 500mg of Parabolan per week, they would administer 250mg on Monday and 250mg on Thursday.
It is possible for an individual to inject only once a week, but this is not recommended due to the high variation in plasma levels.
For performance and physique gains, a dosing schedule that maintains the most stable and steady plasma levels is best.
Expectations and results of taking Parabolan
Parabolan is a very strong and extremely potent anabolic steroid that can provide users with a noticeably larger, more muscular (and leaner) physique.
Since trenbolone does not convert to estrogen, users will not experience bloating or water retention when taking Parabolan alone.
The result is the “3D”, “hard”, and “ripped” look that bodybuilders often seek.
Trenbolone variants like Parabolan are favored by competitive bodybuilders for this very reason.