Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate (AKA Parabolan)
Chemical Name |
17beta-Hydroxyestra-4,9,11-trien-3-one |
Molecular Weight |
410.55 g/mol |
Formula |
C26H34O4 |
Original Manufacturer |
Negma Laboratories |
Half Life |
3 days (acetate) 10 days (enanthate) 14 days (hexa) |
Detection Time |
4-5 months |
Anabolic Rating |
500 |
Androgenic Rating |
500 |
Overview and History of Parabolan
Parabolan is the brand name and trade name for the anabolic steroid trenbolone hexahydrobenzyl carbonate, commonly abbreviated informally as trenhexa or trenbolone hex.
This drug is a long-acting esterified variant of the anabolic steroid trenbolone, most commonly used in the form of trenbolone acetate (a much faster acting esterified variant of trenbolone).
The hexahydrobenzyl carbonate ester extends the half-life of trenbolone to approximately 14 days, rather than the 3-day half-life of trenbolone acetate.
Both forms of trenbolone were used as approved medical drugs for human use for a very short period of time, as trenbolone acetate was briefly marketed in the 1980s as Finajet and Finajest before being withdrawn from human use around 1987.
Parabolan was considered more suitable for human use while it was sold on the prescription drug market because it had a longer duration of action and slower rate of release than trenbolone acetate, resulting in fewer injections and much more suitable and comfortable for clinical and medical use.
Trenbolone itself, regardless of ester, is known to be the most powerful conventional anabolic steroid used by athletes and bodybuilders today.
Trenbolone itself was first disclosed, tested, and published by Roussel-UCLAF[1] in 1967.
This is when trenbolone acetate, the prototype of the short-acting trenbolone ester, and trenbolone undecanoate, the first long-acting trenbolone ester, were disclosed.
Trenbolone Hexa was created in France as a French variant of the long-acting trenbolone compound.
The hexahydrobenzylcarbonate ester is very similar to trenbolone, with a half-life almost identical to the decanoate ester.
Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate was subsequently acquired by the Negma laboratories in France, who marketed Tren Hex under the trade name Parabolan in the prescription drug market.
It was also sold under the then-unknown name hexabolan.
Trenbolone in the form of trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate (marketed as Parabolan) is the only form of trenbolone officially manufactured and approved for human use.
Trenbolone acetate was briefly marketed for human use as Finajet and Finaject, but only for a very short and brief period of time.
Trenbolone acetate is still only used as a veterinary drug today.
When Parabolan was approved for human use, it was used primarily in France as a drug to treat muscle wasting, muscle wasting diseases, malnutrition, and various forms of osteoporosis.
Due to its extremely potent androgenic properties - about five times as potent as testosterone - there were issues with administering parabolan to children (especially girls).
However, it was less problematic to use in other types of patients who are traditionally sensitive to androgens, such as the elderly and adult women.
Parabolan was very successful in the French prescription drug market for a long time, but was deliberately withdrawn from the market by Negma in 1997.
This was largely due to the rise of steroid hysteria and sentiment in the late 1980s and early 1990s, which prompted many pharmaceutical companies to completely halt production and eliminate various anabolic steroids (especially those used more by athletes than for medical purposes).
Sadly, Parabolan was one of the anabolic steroids that succumbed to this fate.
Fortunately, however, extremely small quantities of medicinal parabolan are still manufactured today (although not in France), and with more counterfeit parabolan in circulation than legitimate medicinal parabolan, it is extremely rare enough to be considered not worth the hassle of obtaining.
In general, it is widely believed that trenbolone is not currently approved for human use by medical authorities.
The good news, however, is that it is a more selective anabolic steroid than other steroids and is currently undergoing clinical studies, so there is a possibility that it could be used for medical purposes[2].
This could be a very strong indication that trenbolone could soon re-enter the human prescription drug market and be approved for human use again, but there is no telling how long it will take for that to happen.
Chemical Properties of Parabolan
Trenbolone itself is a synthetic derivative of nandrolone, which is a modified form of nandrolone.
This also means that trenbolone is classified as a 19-nor compound, which means that it lacks the 19th carbon that testosterone and all other anabolic steroids (except nandrolone) typically have.
Both nandrolone and trenbolone lack this 19th carbon and are therefore classified as 19-nor compounds.
Trenbolone and nandrolone are also classified as progestins, meaning that they interact with the progesterone receptor in the body to varying degrees and exhibit varying degrees of progestogenic activity.
Notably, trenbolone has a double bond at carbons 9 and 11, which is due to the removal of a hydrogen atom that previously occupied a free electron on these carbons.
Therefore, a double bond had to form between that carbon atom and a neighboring carbon atom to fill the empty space.
This modification gave trenbolone three characteristics and abilities.
1... It has a much greater affinity for the androgen receptor, making trenbolone much more potent than its parent hormone, nandrolone[3].
Trenbolone has five times the anabolic muscle building strength of testosterone, with testosterone having an anabolic rating of 100 and trenbolone having an anabolic rating of 500.
2.. Trenbolone is completely resistant to aromatization (conversion to estrogen) because the aromatase enzyme (the enzyme responsible for aromatization) is unable to recognize trenbolone as a suitable substrate for the chemical reaction [4].
This is different from nandrolone, which is only more resistant to aromatization than testosterone, but not completely immune to aromatization like trenbolone.
3. it is highly resistant to metabolism in the body. This modification allows trenbolone to stay in its active form longer than most other anabolic steroids, and ensures that the majority of trenbolone excreted in the urine is not excreted as metabolic
products, rather than being excreted in its original form.
This is also due to its greater anabolic effect.
Parabolan, in particular, is a variant of trenbolone that has been modified by adding a hexahydrobenzylcarbonate ester to the 17-beta hydroxyl group of the steroid structure of trenbolone.
This results in a slower release rate and a longer half-life of the compound of approximately 14 days. The body must first work to break this ester bond before the hormone can be used by the body, which is the reason for the longer half-life.
Adding an ester to the hormone only serves to increase the half-life of the hormone and does not alter the pharmacological effects of trenbolone in the body.
Properties of Parabolan
Parabolan is a very versatile anabolic steroid that can be used for literally anything athletes and bodybuilders want to use it for.
Parabolan is a very potent anabolic steroid and does not require high doses to induce athletic performance or physique changes.
It has five times the anabolic strength of testosterone, making it an ideal choice for bulking up, gaining strength and/or increasing lean mass.
Another great thing about Parabolan is that it doesn't convert to estrogen, so you won't experience any water retention or bloating with Parabolan alone.
As a result, there are no estrogen related side effects whatsoever, completely avoiding the bloat and bulge that aromatizing androgens like Dianabol provide.
As a result, when combined with a proper diet and training regimen, Parabolan can be used to increase lean body mass and strength quite dramatically.
Of course, Parabolan can just as easily be utilized for fat loss, dieting, and pre-contest purposes.
In fact, it is the most sought after anabolic steroid by bodybuilders and is often referred to as “nectar of the gods” and is considered an indispensable part of a bodybuilder's cycle.
Trenbolone's extremely potent nutrient splitting effects can result in fairly rapid fat loss when combined with a clean calorie deficit and proper training.
In addition, the highly androgenic nature of Parabolan tends to increase the hardness and vascularity of the muscles and physique, creating the “3D” look that bodybuilders often desire (assuming body fat is low enough).
Parabolan References
[1] J. Mathieu, Proc.lntern. Symp. Drug Res. 1967, p 134. Chem.lnst. Can.
[2] Tissue selectivity and potential clinical applications of trenbolone (17beta-hydroxyestra-4,9,11-trien-3-one): A potent anabolic steroid with reduced androgenic and estrogenic activity. Yarrow JF, McCoy SC, Bost SE. Steroids. 2010 Jun;75(6):377-89. doi: 10.1016/j.steroids.2010.01.019. Epub 2010 Feb 4.
[3] Characterization of the affinity of various anabolic agents and synthetic hormones for the human androgen receptor, human sex hormone binding globulin, and bovine progestin receptor. Bauer, Meyer et al. Acta Pathol Microbiol Imunol Scand Suppl 108 (2000):838-46.
[4] Unique steroid homologs for receptor studies. Ozasu, Reino. Cancer Research 38 (1978): 4186-98.