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Trenbolone Enanthate

Trenbolone Enanthate

Trenbolone Enanthate

Trenbolone enanthate is difficult to determine where it stands in terms of popularity among the three main variants of trenbolone (trenbolone acetate, trenbolone enanthate, and trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate).

Some may agree that Trenbolone Enanthate is the second most popular among athletes and bodybuilders, a close second to Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate (Parabolan), after Trenbolone Acetate, which is the number one favorite among athletes and bodybuilders.

Trenbolone is a very strong and potent anabolic steroid, and in this case, a variant with a long history.

This means that Trenbolone Enanthate has an enanthate ester attached to it, which is a long ester that extends the half-life of Trenbolone by 7-10 days or more.

This is quite different from trenbolone acetate, which has a half-life of around 3 days.

Ultimately, both have their advantages and disadvantages, which we will cover shortly.

In terms of release rate and pharmacokinetics, trenbolone enanthate is literally identical to testosterone enanthate (or any anabolic steroid with an enanthate ester attached).

Anabolic steroids like Trenbolone Enanthate are designed to release the hormone into the body fairly quickly, around 2 days after the initial administration, with plasma levels remaining high and slowly decreasing over the course of 2 weeks.

This can be considered a sustained release.

The half-life of trenbolone enanthate is very similar to that of parabolan (trenbolone hex), making them easily interchangeable.

However, it should be fully clarified that the ester (acetate, enanthate, or hex) attached to a hormone only serves to alter the release rate and half-life of the drug, and does not alter the strength, potency, or pharmacodynamics of the hormone to which the ester is attached.

Trenbolone acetate has a half-life of 3 days, trenbolone enanthate has a half-life of 7-10 days, and trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate (Parabolan) has a half-life of 14 days.

The base hormone trenbolone is an extremely potent hormone, approximately five times as potent as testosterone in both anabolic and androgenic activity, making trenbolone a very powerful anabolic steroid.

In the late 1960s, Roussel-UCLAF was the first company to synthesize and research trenbolone, initially using trenbolone acetate and then working on other long-acting esterified variants of trenbolone [1].

What is interesting about the history of trenbolone is that the enanthate was metaphorically 'put on the back burner' and was not specifically studied by Roussel-Yuklaf.

It was never officially manufactured as an FDA-approved (or equivalent) drug for human use or for sale on the prescription market.

The other two variants of trenbolone (acetate under the brand name Finazet/Finaject and hex under the brand name Parabolan) have both been officially marketed and used in the pharmaceutical market, albeit for a short period of time.

Trenbolone acetate had a short life on the pharmaceutical market in the 1970s, and parabolan had a brief reign in the 1990s.

It was removed from the market shortly thereafter and stripped of its status as a prescription drug for human use.

Trenbolone enanthate, on the other hand, did not appear until much later, in 2004, as an under-the-label (UGL) product manufactured by British Dragon and marketed under the name Trenabol.

British Dragon was the first to manufacture this trenbolone ester and offer it in a 200mg/ml dose, eventually creating an underground line of all trenbolone-based products for sale on the black market.

None of the products were FDA approved, manufactured by pharmaceutical companies, or sold in pharmacies.

Trenbolone enanthate has never been approved for human or animal use, and to this day is still only manufactured in underground labs.

You will not find any pharmaceutical grade trenbolone enanthate made to pharmaceutical standards and available for human use.

The reason it enjoys the popularity it does today and is so common among bodybuilders and athletes is probably because it is one of the few convenient long acting trenbolone esters available, due to its rise and boom in popularity on the black market.

At the time trenbolone enanthate was released, the majority of trenbolone users were using the acetate ester, which remains the most common form of trenbolone today.

Although the original British Dragon laboratory was shut down in 2006 and raided by law enforcement, the legacy of trenbolone enanthate lives on today, with many underlabs continuing to manufacture it, ensuring a stable and guaranteed supply on the black market.

What is Trenbolone Enanthate?

As mentioned earlier, trenbolone enanthate is a long ester variant of the hormone trenbolone.

Trenbolone is a derivative of nandrolone (the base hormone of Deca Durabolin) and is a 19-nor anabolic steroid.

A 19-nor compound is characterized by the absence of the 19th carbon in the steroid structure, which is why trenbolone is also classified as a progestin.

It is the modification of nandrolone to introduce two double bonds between carbons 11 and 9, and it is this chemical modification that makes trenbolone completely immune to aromatization (conversion to estrogen) via the aromatase enzyme, as well as increasing the strength with which it binds to the androgen receptor, that makes trenbolone effective[2].

In other words, trenbolone is a very potent and extremely powerful anabolic steroid that does not cause estrogenic side effects on its own, and is anabolic (500:500 androgenic ratio).

Compare that to testosterone's anabolic:androgenic ratio of 100:100, and that's a huge number.

So you can see how and why trenbolone is five times as potent as testosterone.

In addition, the chemical modifications make it more resistant to metabolism in the body, further maximizing anabolic activity in muscle tissue.

Finally, Trenbolone Enanthate has an enanthate ester attached to the 17-beta hydroxyl group of the steroid structure.

This, as already mentioned several times, slows down the rate of release and extends the half-life of trenbolone in the body to about 7-10 days.

As a result of the chemical modification, there is no doubt why trenbolone enanthate is so popular and effective among bodybuilders and athletes.

Due to its unique properties, Trenbolone Enanthate is extremely versatile in terms of its ability to be used.

It can be utilized for literally any goal (bulking, lean mass gain, cutting, strength gain, and other goals more specific to different sports).

Trenbolone Enanthate is typically used in longer cycles due to its longer half-life and slower onset of activity in the body.

Due to the long enanthate ester, users typically inject trenbolone enanthate about twice a week, with each dose evenly spaced apart.

For example, one injection on Sunday and one on Wednesday will suffice.

If an individual is using 400mg of trenbolone enanthate injections per week, they will inject 200mg on Sunday and the next 200mg on Wednesday.

How does trenbolone enanthate work and how is it best used?

Trenbolone enanthate exhibits a half-life of about 7 to 10 days and is currently more common than its other long-ester, parabolan, making it a more convenient form of trenbolone for many users, most of whom are afraid of needles or uncomfortable with frequent injections.

Unlike trenbolone acetate, which requires injections at least every other day, trenbolone enanthate only requires two injections per week, with each injection evenly spaced out (e.g. Monday and Thursday).

Since trenbolone is considered an intermediate level anabolic steroid, most users of this compound are generally familiar with its contents.

Many intermediates taking their first steps into trenbolone prefer trenbolone enanthate due to the convenience of less frequent injections.

The downside, however, is the fact that trenbolone is a very powerful anabolic steroid and carries with it potential side effects not seen with other compounds.

Therefore, trenbolone beginners who are categorized as 'harsh' anabolic steroids and are wondering which form to use may want to opt for trenbolone acetate instead.

The reason for this is that Trenbolone acetate has a faster half-life, which means that its blood levels rise quickly and fall just as quickly, ensuring that it is quickly eliminated from the body should problems arise and the user wish to discontinue.

In the case of trenbolone enanthate, it takes two weeks for trenbolone to be completely eliminated from the body, during which time undesirable side effects may persist.

It is therefore the prerogative of the individual to use this information and decide for themselves whether the convenience of less frequent injections is worth the risk of having to wait two weeks for the drug to be eliminated from the body in the event of undesirable effects.

This decision should already be made if the user is an experienced trenbolone user who already has a good understanding of the body's reactions.

It is important to understand that with long ester anabolic steroids like trenbolone enanthate, the time required for the hormone to reach peak and optimal circulating plasma levels is considerably longer than with shorter ester variants.

For example, while many individuals report experiencing significant strength gains and/or physique changes in the second or third week of use with trenbolone acetate, trenbolone enanthate may require 4-6 weeks or more depending on the individual before the hormone “kicks in” noticeably.

Due to the long enanthate ester, the hormone slowly reaches optimal levels over several weeks as each dose builds upon the last.

Of course, anyone who wants to speed up this process can always take it ahead of time.

However, there are both advantages and risks/disadvantages to this method, and it should be well researched and thought out before front-loading.

This is especially true for a compound like trenbolone, and even more so if the user is new to trenbolone.

In general, trenbolone enanthate can be considered the trenbolone of the advanced trenbolone user.

However, this is not to say that many experienced trenbolone veterans will not use trenbolone acetate.

Many tend to stick exclusively to trenbolone acetate forever without touching trenbolone enanthate.

The important thing to note here is that trenbolone enanthate use is much more common among experienced users than trenbolone beginners, and it is most common to use trenbolone acetate which is eliminated from the body relatively quickly due to its shorter half-life.

This is usually a security precaution in case a first time user has a bad experience with trenbolone and wants to stop more abruptly than stopping trenbolone enanthate.

While Tren is best used in conjunction with other similar compounds, it is absolutely essential to stack it with some form of testosterone for health reasons.

It may be a wise idea to limit the amount and/or dosage of aromatizing androgens used in conjunction with it, as using high levels of progestin in a high estrogen environment can exacerbate estrogen related side effects.

In general, it is common to stack Testosterone Enanthate with Trenbolone Enanthate on a regular basis for very obvious reasons.


Trenbolone Enanthate Side Effects

Trenbolone is an anabolic steroid and as such comes with all the typical side effects common to all anabolic steroids, plus more.

By “and more” we mean the additional side effects common to trenbolone that are often discussed (and often with exaggerated horror stories) in the bodybuilding community.

Trenbolone does not convert to estrogen at any dose, so there is absolutely no risk of estrogen related side effects with trenbolone alone.

Estrogenic trenbolone enanthate side effects are literally non-existent.

However, it is advisable to closely monitor the dosage of any aromatizing compounds (e.g. testosterone, dianabol, etc.) that you run with, as an estrogen rich environment in the body often leads to additional trenbolone enanthate side effects and complications due to the body's complex hormonal pathways involving estrogen, progestins, prolactin, and the aromatase enzyme.

If you experience estrogenic side effects while using trenbolone, they are often the result of the other compounds you are stacking with, not trenbolone itself.

Androgenic side effects are a real concern and will definitely be included as part of the list of trenbolone enanthate side effects as trenbolone exhibits an androgenic strength rating of 500.

This is five times the androgenic strength of testosterone.

The beauty of this factor, however, is that unlike testosterone, which is reduced to dihydrotestosterone in the body, trenbolone does not convert to a more potent androgenic metabolite in the body.

Therefore, all of the androgenic features attributed to trenbolone can be expected on average over the course of its use.

Individuals should be cautious and watchful for androgenic side effects such as increased aggression, irritability, acne (due to increased sebum secretion from the skin), male pattern baldness (if genetic factors are present), and benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlargement of the prostate).

Note that 5-alpha reductase inhibitors such as Proscar, Finasteride, Dutasteride, and Propecia do nothing to reduce or eliminate androgenic trenbolone enanthate side effects.

Since trenbolone enanthate is an injectable anabolic steroid that does not pass through the liver, there is no concern about liver problems (hepatotoxicity).

However, as with most if not all anabolic steroids, negative changes in cholesterol and other cardiovascular related issues and problems can be a concern.

Trenbolone Enanthate side effects also result in the typical HPTA suppression/disruption that is common with all anabolic steroids.

Therefore, users should limit their use cycles to shorter ones or engage in a proper post cycle therapy (PCT) protocol after use to avoid neglecting this area and developing secondary hypogonadism.

Trenbolone side effects that are unique to trenbolone enanthate itself include excessive sweating (sweating), especially at night in bed for reasons still unknown.

Coughing attacks, usually more associated with trenbolone acetate, are very rarely reported or observed with trenbolone enanthate, but remain a possibility (dubbed 'tren cough').

Coughing seems to be more prevalent with trenbolone acetate than the enanthate variant, and this may be due to the fact that the incidence and severity of coughing has a lot to do with the rate of release of trenbolone into the body.

The true source and cause of the 'tren cough' is currently not fully understood, but some valid and accurate hypotheses include the fact that trenbolone itself causes varying degrees of anaphylactic reactions in the bronchial route, and that some of the compound during injection seeps into the perforated capillaries/veins and irritates the lungs.

If oil enters the bloodstream through the capillaries/veins, this can also occur with any oil-based anabolic steroid and can cause coughing during or shortly after injection.

Finally, we should briefly mention one of the most commonly discussed Trenbolone Enanthate side effects, which seems to be that it can cause a greater amount of aggression, anger, and impatience in some users.

While there is very little clinical evidence to support the anecdotal claims that this occurs in some or most users, the most important takeaway from this entire profile is to convey the following message to anyone considering using trenbolone in any form: those with temper or patience issues should take responsible steps and avoid trenbolone use at all costs.

If the use of trenbolone enanthate is too appealing to you, you must learn to exercise self-control when anger, temper, or lack of patience arises in any situation.

It is irresponsible to use a powerful anabolic steroid like trenbolone, knowing full well its potential effects, and then get into serious trouble due to uncontrolled anger and blame it on the anabolic steroid you used for your lack of self-responsibility.

Trenbolone is a drug and a very powerful androgenic hormone and should be respected as such. Respect the hormone and it will respect you.

Trenbolone References

[1] J. Mathieu, Proc. Symp. Drug Res. 1967, p 134. Chem. lnst. Can.

[2] Unique steroid congeners for receptor studies. Ozasu, Reino. Cancer Research 38 (1978): 4186-98.

28 days ago