Mesterone (Drostanolone) Side Effects
Masteron itself is an anabolic steroid that is considered fairly mild in terms of most Masteron side effects.
However, other aspects of Masteron may present more pronounced or 'harsh' side effects in particularly sensitive individuals, while there may be areas where Masteron has no effect at all.
Estrogenic side effects
Masteron is a DHT derivative and therefore has absolutely no ability to be aromatized by the aromatase enzyme at any dose.
Therefore, there are no estrogenic side effects caused by Masteron itself that should be of concern to users.
In fact, due to its properties as an anti-estrogen and aromatase inhibitor, Masteron acts as a moderate aromatase inhibitor, which in turn lowers estrogen levels.
This is why it is recommended to stack Masteron with other aromatizing androgens such as testosterone or Dianabol.
Androgenic side effects
Although Masteron has a weaker androgenic strength rating than testosterone, it is still considered an anabolic androgenic steroid, and the risk of androgenic side effects still exists with Masteron.
In particular, because Masteron is designed for use in female breast cancer patients, it has a lower androgenic strength rating of 25 to 40 (compared to testosterone's androgenic strength rating of 100).
This anabolic steroid can cause androgenic side effects, especially in individuals who are much more sensitive to androgenic side effects than the average anabolic steroid user.
Androgenic side effects include increased sebum secretion (oily skin), increased acne breakouts (associated with increased sebum secretion), increased body and facial hair growth, and an increased risk of developing male pattern baldness (MPB) in individuals with the genetic traits necessary to develop MPB.
Masteron side effects associated with masculinization also include masculinizing effects in female users, as evidenced by medical and clinical data involving female breast cancer patients treated with Masteron.
Masculinizing effects may include male secondary sex characteristics (growth of voice, body and facial hair), clitoral enlargement, and menstrual irregularities.
The positive thing about Masteron side effects is that Masteron does not interact with 5-alpha reductase (the enzyme that converts testosterone into the much more masculine dihydrotestosterone), so there is no risk of Masteron being converted into metabolites with stronger androgenic effects.
Therefore, the androgenic strength associated with Masteron should be one that you should experience fairly consistently over the duration of its use.
HPTA and Endogenous Testosterone Production Side Effects
All anabolic steroids can and do suppress the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis (HPTA) and natural endogenous testosterone production when used in doses necessary to enhance physique and athletic performance.
Complete shutdown of these endocrine systems may also occur.
Masteron side effects are common with all anabolic steroids.
After every cycle, a thorough and proper post cycle therapy (PCT) program using testosterone stimulating ancillary compounds such as Nolvadex and/or HCG is always necessary to normalize HPTA and endogenous testosterone production as quickly as possible.
Failure to do so may result in permanent damage to the HPTA, resulting in low testosterone levels and the need for lifelong treatment in the form of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).
Hepatotoxic side effects
Masteron is not a C17-alpha alkylated anabolic steroid and does not have hepatotoxic effects on the body.
Liver problems are not known to be associated with Masteron side effects.
Cardiovascular side effects
It is an established fact that all anabolic steroids have a negative effect on cholesterol levels in the human body.
This includes a decrease in HDL (good cholesterol) and an increase in LDL (bad cholesterol).
The result of these changes entails an increased risk of atherosclerosis, and the degree of these changes is usually dose-dependent (the higher the dose, the more negative changes and increased risk).
Other factors that influence these negative cholesterol changes include duration of use and route of administration.
This is why oral anabolic steroids have a negative reputation for having a much worse effect on cholesterol than injectable anabolic steroids.
This is because the liver acts as the body's cholesterol processing center, and the increased hepatotoxicity associated with anabolic steroids further worsens cholesterol levels.
Masteron in particular can exacerbate the negative cholesterol changes it causes in the body.
This is due to Masteron's aromatase inhibitory and anti-estrogenic properties, as studies have demonstrated that reducing estrogen levels below normal physiologic levels has a worse effect on cholesterol profiles than anabolic steroids alone without an aromatase inhibitor.
Testosterone, in particular, was shown in one clinical study to have only a mild effect on HDL cholesterol after 12 weeks of 280 mg of testosterone enanthate per week.
Subsequent administration of an aromatase inhibitor resulted in a worse cholesterol profile, with a significant decrease in HDL cholesterol of 25%[1].
Potential users of Masteron should keep this in mind and closely monitor their estrogen levels to ensure that Masteron does not reduce estrogen to the point of negatively affecting cholesterol levels.
Masteron References
[1] Administration of aromatized androgens does not decrease high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Friedl K, Hannan C et al. Metabolism 39(1) 1990;