Masteron (Drostanolone) Dosage
Despite its attractive qualities, Masteron is actually quite limited in what it can offer in terms of usage and Masteron dosage and cycle.
It is limited in part due to the fact that it has a higher average price than most anabolic steroids and has a moderate anabolic strength rating at best.
This is a compound that tends to provide some area-specific benefits, such as its use in pre-contest cycles, cutting cycles, and in rare cases lean mass cycles.
That's not to say that it can't be utilized in bulking cycles, but due to its limitations, it is used very rarely.
Masteron also lacks data on its effectiveness in promoting protein synthesis in the body and its impact on preserving and adding lean mass.
Most clinical medical data relates to its use and efficacy in the treatment of breast cancer, not to Masteron's efficiency in the areas of weight gain, strength gain, or lean mass gain.
As a result, Masteron has been used almost exclusively as a breast cancer treatment option in medicine with few other uses.
Therefore, determining the appropriate Masteron dosage for the various goals of athletes and bodybuilders is based almost entirely on anecdotal evidence provided by many users and observations of Masteron's effects on athletes over a period of over 50 years.
In particular, Masteron doses should start at a higher starting point than most other anabolic steroids.
This is due to its moderate anabolic strength compared to testosterone, and the higher the Masteron dosage, the greater the aesthetic physique enhancing effects.
This is mostly due to its properties as an aromatase inhibitor and a type of anti-estrogen, and higher Masteron doses tend to have a greater inhibitory effect on the total amount of aromatase in the plasma.
Medical Masteron Dosage
Since Masteron is an anabolic steroid specifically designed for use in female breast cancer patients, all medical prescribing guidelines and data for Masteron are for women only.
The prescribing guidelines for the treatment of breast cancer called for Masteron 100mg to be administered 3 times per week for a total of 300mg per week.
The duration of administration was specified as a minimum of 8 weeks of use.
At the 8-12 week mark, the healthcare provider would evaluate the patient's progress and, depending on the situation at hand and progress, allow Masteron to be used indefinitely for as long as necessary to treat the cancer.
Due to these prescribed doses and duration of use, viral infections occurred frequently in many patients who were prescribed Masteron.
Masteron has never been approved by the FDA for use in men, so there are no medical prescribing guidelines specific to men.
Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Masteron Dosage
Masteron dosages for fitness and performance enhancement purposes generally range from 200 to 400mg per week as a general guideline, with the lowest range (200mg per week) typically utilized in a pre-contest preparation cycle.
However, the highest range, 400mg per week, is generally considered the ideal dose for beginners to start with.
It is important to understand that the purpose of Masteron is primarily for aesthetic enhancement to create a 'hard' and 'chiseled' physique by removing the majority of subcutaneous water.
The doses required to achieve this effect are generally divided into three stages: beginner, intermediate, and advanced, with doses not necessarily increasing with each stage.
Specifically, for beginners, the starting dose of Masteron is exactly 400mg per week.
Intermediate users can use exactly the same dosage of Masteron, and the same goes for advanced users, considering that the effect they want from Masteron is an aesthetic one, so there is no need to use below or above the effective dose (400mg per week).
Most anabolic steroid users will not choose Masteron to act as one of the main anabolic compounds in their cycle, as it does not have the same strength as other cost effective anabolic steroids.
Higher doses of Masteron can be used to achieve stronger anabolic effects, but this is considered a very expensive practice and in most cases outside of Masteron's specific specialty and benefits.
Female Masteron Dosage
For female athletes and bodybuilders, Masteron doses ranging from 50 to 100 mg weekly have been found to be quite sufficient to avoid masculinization over a period of no more than 4 to 6 weeks.
For female users, the lowest dose in this range (50mg per week) should be used first as masculinization may be an issue.
This is evidenced by the fact that medical prescription Masteron doses have called for much higher doses (300mg per week) than the performance/physique enhancing doses recommended here.
Due to these high doses, erectile dysfunction became a very real problem for most female patients, and this is something that all potential female Masteron users should understand.
Correct dosing and timing of Masteron
Masteron is primarily available in two esterified formulations
1.drostanolone propionate
2. drostanolone enanthate
Masteron propionate is the only officially developed Masteron formulation approved for medical use and is the most widely available and most popular formulation among anabolic steroid users.
The enanthate variant has never been developed by a medical organization and is currently only an underground lab product.
Drostanolone propionate has a half-life of 2.5 days, while drostanolone enanthate has a half-life of 10 days.
Drostanolone propionate: To maintain adequately stable plasma concentrations of the hormone, it should be administered at least every other day.
Daily injections are considered much more favorable.
Drostanolone enanthate: With a half-life of 10 days, the enanthate variant of Masteron should be injected twice weekly, with each injection spaced evenly apart from the other.
For example, a total of 400 mg per week would be split into two injections, a 200 mg injection on Monday and a 200 mg injection on Thursday.
Some individuals may be able to 'get by' with one injection per week, but twice weekly injections are ideal to maintain stable and sustained peak plasma concentrations.
Expectations and Results from Taking Masteron
Masteron is a dihydrotestosterone derivative, which prevents it from being aromatized into estrogen by the aromatase enzyme.
The aromatase enzyme is the enzyme that converts androgens into estrogen.
Masteron is also a proven moderate aromatase inhibitor, meaning that it has been shown to neutralize the aromatase enzyme and consequently lower estrogen levels.
As a result, you can expect very solid lean muscle gains without water retention, and minimal fat gain/retention (when combined with a proper diet).
The main purpose of Masteron among athletes and bodybuilders is to exert aesthetic enhancement due to the elimination of subcutaneous water retention (due to its anti-aromatase and anti-estrogenic activity).
Masteron acts as a very poor mass builder with a moderate anabolic strength rating.
On its own, Masteron is not much stronger than testosterone, and in some cases may be weaker, so it is best used in combination with other compounds.
However, when stacked with testosterone or other anabolic steroids, it offers some amazing features that make the other compounds stacked together more powerful.